Los Angeles Phil. Orch. Concert/ Scheherazade

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Los Angeles Phil. Orch. Concert/ Scheherazade

I went a concert on Walt Disney Concert Hall from Los Angeles Phil. Orch. and it was Scheherazade from Rimsky Korsakov.
Essay Detail:
Concert Attendance Report
For this project you need to plan ahead. You will need to attend a Symphony Orchestra Concert or Opera in order to complete it. As long as it is a symphony orchestra concert or opera any event is OK. Solo recitals, musicals, chamber music concerts, jazz concerts, or other non-orchestra concerts will not be acceptable. If you attend an opera you must find a way to be able to see the orchestra at some point in the performance so that you can make your hand-drawn seating diagram (they are usually in the “pit” – yes, that’s what it’s called).”
Your Assignment
You are to write a 3-page term paper giving a review of the concert you attended. Your report should be in essay?form,?11-font, double-spaced. Please be sure to cover every piece on the program. Your review must include the following:
What kind of listener were you at the concert? Why?
What pieces were performed?
What was the style of each of the pieces performed?
What was the instrumentation of the orchestra?
Draw out the seating arrangement of the instruments in the orchestra.
Analyze each piece played in the concert with following criteria from the course:
Unity and Variety
Structure of the Music
Purpose of the Music
Historical Period
Did you enjoy the concert? Why or why not?
Please submit your report online, by clicking Submit. You must also submit a printed copy of your report, along with the concert program and your ticket stub, and your drawing of the seating arrangement of the orchestra to my office on or before the due date to receive full credit. You may mail your Concert Report materials to the campus address shown on the Important Information page for this website or come to the Music Office at the Madison Campus between 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. on week days to leave these materials in an envelope in my department mail box. The Madison Music Academy is located on Santa Monica Blvd. between 10th and 11th Streets and there is plenty of free parking.
No late reports will be accepted. Evaluation of your work will depend on how complete, coherent, and valid your comments and arguments are.
Have fun!
Important Hint
We highly recommend you type your answer using any word processor (PC Users: You can use WordPad or NotePad. Mac Users: You can use TextEdit.). Please make sure you save your work as you go along. When you are done, CUT and PASTE your answer into the empty box. That way, if for any reason you loose your internet connection in the middle of typing your answer, you won’t lose all the work you have done up to that point.

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