This assignment asks you to keep a journal entry referring to the main concepts that we read for each session. Your task is to identify the main concepts discussed in the readings and explain their meaning according to the author(s) under discussion. The journal containing the glossary of terms must be updated every single session and must be brought to class for discussion.
Read “Justice and Politics of Difference”(chapter 1,2,3) by Iris Young and write one page of term journal.
I have uploaded the book and an example file here.
This assignment asks you to keep a journal entry referring to the main concepts that we read for each session. Your task is to identify the main concepts discussed in the readings and explain their meaning according to the author(s) under discussion. The journal containing the glossary of terms must be updated every single session and must be brought to class for discussion.
Read “At the Limits of Justice: Women of Colour on Terror” (chapter 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29) and “Abolition Democracy: Beyond Empire, Prisons, and Torture” (chapter 1, 2, 3, 4) in this google account. ID: [email protected] PW:M8a3emebr, and write journal one page each.
I also have uploaded an example file here.