Identify (and rank) primary musical emphasis melody, texture, harmony, rhythm, form.

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Identify (and rank) primary musical emphasis melody, texture, harmony, rhythm, form.

1) Identify the artist(s).
2) Identify the style(s) of music.
3) Identify the timbre(s).
4) Identify (and rank) primary musical emphasismelody, texture, harmony, rhythm, form.
5) Identify noteworthy use of the musical elementsuse vocabulary from class,
e.g. syncopation, rhythmic density, texturepolyphonic etc.,
6) Briefly describe the cultural context,function, setting, participants, behaviors, response.
7) Briefly describe the historical contexthow did this concert represent a tradition or traditions of American Music?

Make your comments as specific as possible. For example, a response like, In this concert there was a lot of texture and the players were really good is pointlessly vague since we don’t know what kind of texture and in which piece it happened. Refer to specific moments in the music and specific pieces if you are able. For example, I noticed that the texture in the second section of title of piece shifted between monophony and polyphony is better because it shows you were paying attention and that you understand the vocabulary.

You are required to attend the entire performance, even if there are intermissions or multiple ensembles playing. I will expect a few specific comments about the final piece on the program.
It is highly recommended for you to complete the report within a few days of the event, even if the due date is not close. The best reports are always done while the concert is fresh in your mind.

-Reports should be a minimum of one double spaced typed page.

Avoid journalistic, or promotional language.

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