Identify and analyze the best alternative courses of action most relevant to the key issue(s),

Describe in how changes in technology, transportation, and entertainment affected gender roles and the work lives and economic status of the American working and middle classes in the 1920s and 1930s.
August 5, 2017
What are the differences as compared to early landfills?
August 5, 2017
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Identify and analyze the best alternative courses of action most relevant to the key issue(s),

Write a two-page assignment on: McDonald’s packaging crisis; steps taken by McDonalds and the ultimate results of its efforts. Discuss how you would have approached the problem and whether the results obtained, in your opinion, are acceptable. Address why or why not. Case analysis can be no longer than two-pages (single-sided, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, 1” margins throughout).You are asked to:

A.identify the most important strategic issues facing the firm as a result of both internal and external analyses,

B.identify and analyze the best alternative courses of action most relevant to the key issue(s),

C.recommend a specific course of action from the alternatives, and

D.justify the recommendation as the best given your analysis.

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