Identify a theme in Entrepreneurship research and find three high quality peer reviewed academic articles on the aspect of Entrepreneurship subject you have chosen to research, then compare and contrast the articles.

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Identify a theme in Entrepreneurship research and find three high quality peer reviewed academic articles on the aspect of Entrepreneurship subject you have chosen to research, then compare and contrast the articles.

Part one

You are asked to identify a theme in Entrepreneurship Research. This will require you to look through some Entrepreneurship text books and refereed academic articles and do some background research. You can choose your own theme but the themes might include aspects such as:

  • Entrepreneurship and Importance of growing firms
  • Entrepreneurial Growth and Ambition
  • Entrepreneurial finance
  • Pre-start-up, start-up growth , and post start-up factors
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurship theories
  • Gender and Entrepreneurship
  • Government Support and Policy

Please make sure you confirm your topic with the module leader.

Part two

You are each asked to find three high quality peer reviewed academic articles on the aspect of Entrepreneurship subject you have chosen to research. The articles must be from a peer

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reviewed, respected academic journal, and must be published since 2005 and must be of a reasonable length – so at least five pages long.

You will find the data bases on the Library web site helpful, in particular:

  • ABI/Inform Global (From ProQuest)


  • Academic Search Premier (Ebsco – used to be Elite)


  • Business Source Complete (Ebsco)


  • Emerald Fulltext


  • Web of Knowledge


  • JISC


  • Scopus

Part three ( 500 words per article)

Having identified, read and printed off your articles you are now required to write a review of the articles you have found. You will need to annotate your articles in ADOBE (electronically) and include all your original workings in the final submission – there will be separate link on CANVAS for the submission of the annotated articles. This is to help me understand how you are reading the article, the points you are identifying and equally provide you with feedback on any aspects you may have overlooked.

Part four (1000 words)

In this part of the assignment you are required to write a review in which you compare and contrast all the articles noting similarities and differences in the arguments they make, noting the value and contribution of each of the articles. The review will follow a similar format to the one you each did for your individual article.

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