Give an analysis of the situation and possible causes for the subject’s behavior A preliminary diagnosis of the subject’s disorder using the symptoms he or she displays The set of therapies you suggest for helping the subject deal with his or her symptoms

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Give an analysis of the situation and possible causes for the subject’s behavior A preliminary diagnosis of the subject’s disorder using the symptoms he or she displays The set of therapies you suggest for helping the subject deal with his or her symptoms

For this assignment, you will identify the disorder the person may suffer from based on the symptoms presented in the case studies. Instructions Read the case studies. Case Study 1 – Karen Case Study 2 – Perla Case Study 3 – Jordan Write an analysis of each case in a single Word document (it can be more than one page, you just need to include them all in the same document). You must discuss all 3 cases in your document. Your answer should be 1-3 paragraphs per question per case. For each case, include the following: An analysis of the situation and possible causes for the subject’s behavior A preliminary diagnosis of the subject’s disorder using the symptoms he or she displays The set of therapies you suggest for helping the subject deal with his or her symptoms

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