Explain why Ronald Reagan is important and what he represents about American history and American identity.

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Explain why Ronald Reagan is important and what he represents about American history and American identity.

Explain why Ronald Reagan is important and what he represents about American history and American identity.

Your essay should consider the following questions:

  • What did Ronald Reagan do that was important or influential and how did he  help change the nation?
  • How did Reagan interact with the wider world?
  • What obstacles Reagan have to overcome?
  • How did Reagan handle or manage the contrasts and contradictions they faced?
  • Did Reagan leave any problems unsolved?



  • Must contain a clear thesis statement, or claim, that is supported by the evidence you present
  • Must be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman type
  • 2 PAGERS
  • Include headings, per APA guidelines


Create a visual presentation that illustrates your portrayal of the “long” twentieth century and the struggles and triumphs of Ronald Reagan.



  • Should illustrate the significance of Ronald Reagan and his impact on history
  • Include a final reference page with sources used (2 references) can be same used for paper
  • 3 slides
  • Within the context of each person, your slide show should offer at least two different types of media

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