Evaluate five to seven most important things about computer networks that should be understood by everyone who uses one.

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Evaluate five to seven most important things about computer networks that should be understood by everyone who uses one.

Please start by reviewing the following three articles discussing some of the stranger requests for help received by IT personnel:

Chris Peters (2011), techsoup.org, Networking 101: concepts and Definitions, Retrieved November 21, 2012 from http://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/networks/page4774.cfm

Rinkworks.com (2012) Computer Stupidities. Retrieved May 6, 2012, from http://www.rinkworks.com/stupid/ (pay particular attention to the tech support stories)

Cisco (2012), Basic Networking: What you need to know, Retrieved from http://www.cisco.com/cisco/web/solutions/small_business/resource_center/articles/connect_employees_and_offices/basic_networking/index.html

Also read the following article:

Notalwaysright.com (2012) Retrieved May 6, 2012, from http://notalwaysright.com/

While humorous, the level of ignorance revealed in these anecdotes costs organizations substantial amounts of money, time, and expertise. Figuring out what to do about this situation is a major challenge to IT personnel. As your case assignment for this module, you are to distill from the anecdotes presented and other sources what seem to you to be critical training needs — that is, the kinds of recurring ignorance reflected in the anecdotes that could be reduced with a little basic training.

Specifically, when you have reviewed this material, any items from the background information that seem helpful, and any other sources that you care to draw upon, please prepare a 3-5 page paper on the topic:

Evaluate five to seven most important things about computer networks that should be understood by everyone who uses one

For each of your items, please identify

What you think people should know and why they should know it
What you think is the best way to teach people about it

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