Eggs: Protein foams; Cheese – Lab report

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Eggs: Protein foams; Cheese – Lab report

Eggs: Protein foams; Cheese – Lab report

The report should be divided into the following sections:
1. Introduction – Should include a clear statement regarding the purpose of the experiment.
2. Methods – Refer to the experiment/procedure available on the NUTR 1102 Laboratory
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3. Results – Include data tables as completed in lab. Means and standard deviations should
be calculated and correct. Tables and figures should be numbered and labelled and
appear in the order that they are referred to in the text. The reader should be able to look
at the table and understand its contents without reading the report.
4. Discussion – A discussion of the results and what they mean. This section will probably
be longer than other sections of the report; however, be as concise as possible. Marks
will be taken off for irrelevant information. It is not necessary to repeat information
provided in the tables. You will need to refer to the tables and graphs in the Results
section. Be sure to specify which table or graph you are referring to, i.e. (Table 2) or
(Figure 1), etc. Try to discuss in experimental blocks. Integrate objective and subjective
data. In the discussion, try to explain why you got the results that you did, especially if
they differed from the expected. Does literature support or negate findings? Was there
something about the samples or testing environment that could have caused the deviation
from the expected, i.e. fluctuations in oven temperature, personal element, untrained
panel, sensory fatigue. Were any trends evident? Discussion should be supported with
theory and referenced accordingly. References should be listed numerically in the order
they appear in the report. Numbers should appear in brackets following the citation. The
full reference should be listed at the end of the report under the References section.
5. Conclusions – A brief summary of what the experiment has shown and possible
implications or applications (food service, food industry, domestic, consumer retail level,
etc.). This section should give the reader an idea of the purpose and usefulness of the
tests without reading the rest of the lab report.
6. References – A list of only those references cited in the report should be included. Full
references should be listed numerically in the order they appear in the report. In addition

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