DVD growing minds & formal operations

August 5, 2017
Film & Theater studies
August 5, 2017
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DVD growing minds & formal operations

This is a two part post. Each part needs to be separate and have two paragraphs each part. Each part needs two to three citations.


Formal Operational Thought
One of the points made in ‘Thinking Like A Scientist” is that although we have achieved formal operations in some areas of our lives, we don’t apply it to all areas.

•Give an example of one area in your life where you believe you apply formal operational thinking (justify your answer by using your knowledge of formal operations to explain yourself, for example, reversibilty of thinking, etc.
•Then give one example in your life where you do not use formal operational thinking – where you are still reliant on concrete information to make decisions – or even at the sensorimotor level. For example, when I go into a shop in a mall, I have to stop and think about which direction I will have to go when I leave that shop to get back to where I came from – I must turn around and look at the mall from the entrance of the shop and consciously think about directions.
Ok, it is your turn to answer these questions and to respond constructively to the entries of at least one of your classmates.


Using Cognitive and/or Intuitive Thought

Watch the DVD Video “Growing Minds: Cognitive Development in Early Childhood”

•Think of your own experience. Consider (and share) a time when you used primarily cognitive thinking. Was it good to do so?
•Give a time when you used intuitive thinking. Did it work out?
•Did you find that, in each of these decisions, that the alternative method of decision-making eventually also played a key part?
•Have you ever made a decision that worked exceptionally well from both cognitive and intuitive perspectives? Was it wonderful, or what?

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