Do you believe that the choices you make as a student, employee, spouse, mother/father, etc., are determined? Why or why not?

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Do you believe that the choices you make as a student, employee, spouse, mother/father, etc., are determined? Why or why not?

Based on your readings for this week write a response in at least 250-300 words to the following prompt:

  • Police officers typically are called upon to exercise discretion when on patrol. Given the observations in Chapter 3 on choice and free will, in what ways or in what situations might the choices of officers be constrained? Are their choices determined?  Why or why not?
  • Do you believe that the choices you make as a student, employee, spouse, mother/father, etc., are determined? Why or why not?
  • Mindful of the determinism versus indeterminism distinction, are the choices of those who break the law different from your own? If so, how? Why or why not?

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