Discuss what is meant by a financial responsibility law.

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Discuss what is meant by a financial responsibility law.

FIN 3610 Assignment 10                                 Name_______________________

Chapters 20 and 21

Please remember that you must do your own work. Any plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for all students involved. Please use your own words even if you are using the textbook for answers. Always provide a citation when a reference is used.

  1. The Personal Auto Policy (PAP) contains several coverages that meet the insurance needs of typical insureds. For each of the following coverages, briefly describe the type of coverage provided, and give an example of a loss that would be covered.
  2. Part A: Liability Coverage:
  3. Part B: Medical Payments Coverage:
  4. Part C: Uninsured Motorists Coverage:
  5. Part D: Coverage for Damage to Your Auto:
  1. In addition to the policy limits and a legal defense, the PAP provides for certain supplementary payments. Briefly describe the supplementary payments that can be paid under the liability section of the PAP.
  1. Answer the following:
  2. List the major exclusions that apply to liability coverage (Part A) in the PAP.
  3. List the major exclusions that apply to medical payments coverage (Part B) in the PAP.
  1. Coverage for Damage to Your Auto (Part D) in the PAP provides for two optional coverages: (1) collision coverage, and (2) other-than-collision coverage.
  2. What is a collision loss? Explain your answer.
  3. What is an other-than-collision loss? Explain your answer.
  4. List the major exclusions that apply to Coverage for Damage to Your Auto (Part D).
  1. Answer the following:
  2. Discuss what is meant by a financial responsibility law.
  3. Discuss what is meant by a compulsory insurance law.
  1. Answer the following:
  2. What is no-fault auto insurance?
  3. What is the difference between a monetary threshold and a verbal threshold?
  1. A number of states have passed some type of no-fault auto insurance laws to compensate injured auto accident victims.
  2. Describe the no-fault benefits that are typically paid in a state with a no-fault law.
  3. Why have no-fault auto insurance laws been enacted?

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