Discuss the use of humor in Jurekk Becker’ NOVEL Jakob the Liar and analyze the function.

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Discuss the use of humor in Jurekk Becker’ NOVEL Jakob the Liar and analyze the function.

Two essays total, one for my friend. Due on 2 April, at 11;50pm. 1000-1200 words each. I am willing to pay $35 each.

Choose one of  the following topics. Each topic for one essay.

1 Discuss the use of humor in Jurekk Becker’ NOVEL Jakob the Liar and analyze the function.

2 Compare and contrast the treatment of heroism in the two FILM adaptations (Jakob the Liar 1975 East German version and 1999 Hollywood version) . What kind of heroism is depicted and what might account for the different approaches?

3 Choose one of the two FILM daptations ( 1975 version and 1999 version). Write a review that analyzes the FILM’s strengths and/or weaknesses, and determine wherher it does justice to the NOVEL that it is based on.

I do not have the pdf of the novel. but you can find  two films online by simply searching the name.

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