Describe the three “expert” viewpoints on globalization(the hyperglobalist, skeptic, and transformationalist viewpoints).

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August 5, 2017
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Describe the three “expert” viewpoints on globalization(the hyperglobalist, skeptic, and transformationalist viewpoints).

  1. Describe the three “expert” viewpoints on globalization(the hyperglobalist, skeptic, and transformationalist viewpoints). In your opinion, which viewpoint would be most beneficial for global development and why?  Apply these theories to the United Kingdom’s recent vote to leave the European Union.  Briefly discuss “Brexit”, the issues behind the referendum, and its outcome.  Does Brexit signal a retreat of globalization as some commentators have suggested, or is it an lone incident of isolationism in an ever increasing world of interconnectivity?  Your critical answer to this question would suggest that one of the three “expert” viewpoints above is most accurate in describing the future trajectory of supranationalism in Europe (and beyond).  Given your answer, which viewpoint do you think most accurately portrays the situation facing the EU?  Moving forward, what is your prediction concerning the future of the EU and what should be its future agenda (e.g., deepening vs. widening)? Please explain your answers.


The author of your text uses the core-periphery model as a conceptual tool to categorize and explain important processes and patterns in European geography. Briefly define the core-periphery model. Describe the areal extent of both the core and the periphery in Europe, providing examples of countries (or areas) in each designation. Describe what factors would lead to designation in either category and explain how this relationship influences economic interaction and political relations at the supranational level. In other words, does the European Union treat countries of the core differently from countries of the periphery? If so, how?

  1. In chapter five, the authors of your text emphasize the legacy of the Soviet System.Describe the communist system of government and explain how it has changed since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.Include a discussion of the most recent restructuring under the Putin administration and explore the impact such restructuring would have on social cohesion, political freedom, and democratic participation.


On page 45 of your textbook, the authors state: “In the course of intertwined urbanization and industrialization, the spatial economy of North America underwent profound changes.” Describe these changes over time. Define the four sectors of the economy and explain how they relate to the spatial distribution of economic activity in North America. (In other words, describe the growth and areal focus of secondary production, the shift to the tertiary sector, and the current expansion into the quaternary sector of the economy.) What do these changes suggest about economic unevenness in the United States and how does this influence regional demographic growth and/or decline?

3.Describe the Physical Geography of Middle America as outlined in chapter two.  Discuss the relationship between population distribution and physiography as presented in your text. Where applicable, describe how the environment influences settlement and how settlement influences the physical environment.

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