Describe the primary health concern for the vulnerable or diverse population.

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Describe the primary health concern for the vulnerable or diverse population.

For this assignment, you will need to review an organization. You may want to focus on the organization where you work, but you can also look at any local health care organization. It may be beneficial to select a health care organization located within the neighborhood or community you used in your Windshield Survey assignment as this is likely where the vulnerable or diverse population you identified receives health care.

Your goal is to evaluate how able the organization is to serve the specific health care needs of the vulnerable or diverse population you identified in the Windshield Survey assignment.

Use the Internet and the Capella library to locate at least three academic or professional resources to use in this assignment.


Once you have selected an organization, complete the following:

  • Describe the primary health concern for the vulnerable or diverse population.
  • Explain how the organization currently serves this health care concern. Be sure you include information on how the organization communicates to the population.
  • Identify gaps in the health care service provided to the population.
  • Explain evidence-based strategies to bridge the gaps in health care service provided to the population.
  • Identify any possible barriers to implementing your strategies.

Additional Requirements

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