Select a new product or service that will be launched by either an existing organization or one you will create. Obtain your instructors approval of your product or service before beginning this project.
Complete the following assignment using the Strategy and Positioning Analysis template.
Develop a 1,400-word analysis explaining the following headings:
- Describe the organizations background, industry, and product or service.
- Describe, in detail, the product or service.
- Prepare the SWOT analysis of the organization and offering.
- Explain a competitive analysis of the organization and offering.
- Describe your target market in detail, including information on the geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral factors used to choose your market segment.
- Identify the needs that cause your target market to buy.
- Create a written positioning statement that identifies:
- Your organizations product/service
- Your target market
- How your product solves the target markets needs
- What makes your organization different from its