Describe a material or tool that you use for schoolwork whose quality is important to you.

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Describe a material or tool that you use for schoolwork whose quality is important to you.

Essay 1 Content (due no later than 11:30pm on Sunday, October 9, 2016)

Items that you must address in this essay are:

  1. Describe a material or tool (e.g., paper, pencils, laptop, etc.) that you use for schoolwork whose quality is important to you.  Why does its quality matter to you?  Materials and tools do not include personal items such as apparel or personal care products.
  2. What are the attributes of this material or tool that would cause you to perceive it as high quality?
  3. What are the attributes of this material or tool that would cause you to perceive it as low quality?
  4. Do you think that most students would agree with your high/low quality attributes?  Why or why not?
  5. In your experience, is there a relationship between the quality of this item and its price?  Why or why not?

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