Demonstrate your abilities with the objective evaluate verbal, non verbal, and para-verbal cues that impact communication with educators, administrators, parents, and community members.

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Demonstrate your abilities with the objective evaluate verbal, non verbal, and para-verbal cues that impact communication with educators, administrators, parents, and community members.

This discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your abilities with the objective evaluate verbal, non verbal, and para-verbal cues that impact communication with educators, administrators, parents, and community members. This discussion is aligned with the Course Learning Outcome 3.

In addition to our expressive communication style, which we explored last week, we also convey messages using non-verbal cues that may include eye-contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, proximity, and demeanor (Tidwell 2003). Part of being a strong collaborator is making sure the message we expected to communicate comes across to the team as intended. This means while we may be communicating a message verbally, our nonverbal cues are sending an alternative message.

Amy Cuddy, Voted Number One on Time Magazine’s list of “Game Changers”, is a top communication researcher who studies how nonverbal cues impact people’s judgment (Time, 2013). She suggests that in order to subtly and nonverbally emote confidence you must keep in mind how you dress, your gestures, facial expressions, posture, and proximal engagement (Rister 2011). Additionally, during collaborative meetings, body language and nonverbal cues may have various interpretations depending on one’s cultural background and demographic upbringing. Being attuned to others in the meeting along with your own unspoken signals will promote a sense of leader and stimulate positive collaborative experiences.

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