Critically examines the quality of prior research as well as the existing empirical issues, theoretical issues, and conflicts.

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Critically examines the quality of prior research as well as the existing empirical issues, theoretical issues, and conflicts.


A typically developing 10-year-old becomes trapped, unable to move, in an inaccessible location. It takes rescuers over 10 hours to find and rescue the child from the location.




1) Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:


a) This assignment uses a grading rubric .


b) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


c) You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.


2) Include the following in your paper:


a) Discuss how the child cognitively and emotionally responds during the confinement


i) from Piaget’s sensorimotor perspective


ii) from Erickson’s psychosocial perspective


b) Discuss how this experience may affect the child as he/she ages through childhood and into adulthood.



Assignment Two




For this portion of the assignment, you will write a Mini Research Prospectus of 1,600-2,150 words in length using the Purpose Statement approved by your instructor in Part 1 of this assignment.




1) Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:


a) This assignment uses a grading rubric that can be viewed at the assignment’s drop box.


b) Use your approved Purpose Statement from Mini Research Prospectus Part 1. In its final form for inclusion in this part of the assignment, the statement should be 100-150 words in length.


c) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


d) You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the

directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.


2) Perform the following tasks to complete the assignment:


a) Write a concise review of literature of 750-1,000 words that accomplishes the following:


i) Identifies the main contributors to and the key theories in the research topic.


ii) Critically examines the quality of prior research as well as the existing empirical issues, theoretical issues, and conflicts.


iii) Critically examines the methods used to investigate the problem of interest and analyzes the differences in methodologies that may have contributed to varied research results.


iv) Develops the research question and guides the selection of the method.




b) Write 750-1,000 words that describe the method you will use and that detail the steps you will take to answer your research question. This section must accomplish the following:


i) Presents the design of the study and justify the use of a specific research method.


ii) Describes and justifies how the data is to be collected, including the


(1) Population (subjects) to be studied.


(2) Data collection instruments to be used.


(3) Data collection plan to be employed, which specifies the conditions under which data are to be collected.


(4) Specific activities to be conducted that are intended to reduce bias and increase validity.


iii) Specifies the intended data analysis procedures and analytic tools to be used.


  1. Research Question: “Multilevel marketing: A legitimate business or just one of those pyramid scheme”


Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the unethical practices involved in the multi-level marketing business and provide a clear understanding on how to choose the right company when opting for a career in this field.


Logic:Many educators simply want students to avoid the multi-level marketing because there have been a lot of unethical problems in this industry. Even if a multilevel marketing company is fulfilling its legal obligations, that does not mean all its practices are ethically correct even if company seems to be legalon the surface (Muncy, 2004).


Question under Investigation:Are multilevel marketing: A legitimate business or just one of those pyramid scheme?


Significant of the study: When job seeks inquire about multi-level marketing opportunities, they should be given the right advice as to how this industry operates and factors that legitimize companies in this industry. Common questions that should be asked or thought about are; how does the company generate revenue? Does the company provide clients or is it the duty of the employees to solicit clients? Potential candidates should ask how their position in the company contributes to the overall goal of the company. How much work needs to be done in their position to generate income? How much will the cost be to get involved with the company? Etc.


2. Research Question: “Effects of Failure on Subsequent Performance in Multi-level Marketing”


Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this study is to observe the positive and negative effects of employees’ performance within a multi-level marketing organization.


Logic:There may be a variety of reasons for failure such as unethical practices indoctrinate in multilevel marketingoperational structure; or conflict streaming from a combination of interpersonal relationships like mixing friendship with business. It is very important to recognize the causes of failure and adopt self-defining goals.


 Significant of the study: Education and guidance in multi-level marketing need to be provided to students seeking a career in this field. Students need to be aware of the unethical and illegal practices that exist in this industry and the differences between legitimate marketing opportunities and those that are illegitimate. Multilevel marketing is a huge, global industry. Estimates of worldwide sales are as high as ninety billion dollars annually (Dyer 2001). Failures mostly lead to underperformance, mitigating reasons of failure stems from many different sources within multi marketing industry.




Dyer, W. Gibb (2001), “Network Marketing: An Effective Business Model for Family-Owned Businesses?” Family Business Review, 14 (2), 97.


Muncy James A.(2004), “Ethical Issues in Multilevel Marketing” “Marketing Education Review” vol.14

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