Definition of a blog and its purpose
A blog refers to a personal online journal which is updated on a regular basis with the main intention of public consumption. Blogs can be written in different formats in a series of entries that posted on a single web page such as the reverse-chronological order. It is important to note that blogs usually reveal the author’s personality and the intended objective of the website that contains the blog (Ellen & Dana, 2009). Blogs are aimed at delivering new information quickly and facilitating a speedy response from the audience. Audiences usually relate to the fresh approach and subsequently develop emotional bonds with the blogger’s organization. This implies that blogs are one of the most effective tools for initiating active conversation, meaning that it is important for the blogger to offer new and fascinating content, which is a core requirement in the present day online environment (Thill & Courtland, 2011). This is aimed at encouraging active participation from the audiences of the blog. Business blogs offers a communication platform through which businesses can communicate with their respective clients and prospective ones. Business blogs are mainly used in controlling the publication regarding a business enterprise to the public. They are also used to facilitate internal communication within the company which can be accessed via the organization’s intranet. In addition, blogs in the business environment can be used for product promotion.
Example of a blog
October 4, 2011
Why employees resist change
It is important to note most individuals are not receptive to change, solely because they do not like being subjected to new environments and the challenges that are associated with implementing change such as the long durations for adaptability and the need to alter the organizational culture that was part of them. Within the IBM, people perceive the adoption of change as a more risky venture than the present state of affairs. With such perception, it is difficult to motivate people to actually embrace the change that they do not know the outcome. Another significant reason for change resistance within the IBM is that people are somewhat connected to the present system and they are more used to the present state of affairs, initiating change is therefore bound to cause tension within the organization and will instill an element of resistance towards the implementation of change of any perspective. Observational learning is a significant aspect of change that an organization should never underestimate, lest it is exposed to the risks associated with change implementation. Even a well-articulated vision for change is subject to resistance. People within an organization are always threatened by the idea of organizational change, since it will have an influence on the way they execute their daily tasks within the organization. With every change, there are bound to be winners and losers; looser tend to be affected negatively from the implementation of change, such as loss of jobs, salary cuts and organizational restructuring. Therefore, losers are bound to be more resistant towards the implementation of change in that context. Having reviewed the potential causes of resistance to change within an organization, it is therefore important for the change implementation strategy to develop effective measure that can be used to counter the possible causes change resistance.
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Process of creating a business blog
Creating a blog is an interactive process that can be done by using various options available online. With regard, a blog can be perceived to be an online journal, where a person’s task is only to post the contents on the selected template. The first step when creating a blogger account involves offering the username, screen name and the password. Screen name is used in cases where the author has no intention of offering a real name and other personal details such as email address, phone number and so on. The second step entails choosing the blog name and the creation of a blog URL. The third step entailed the choice of the blog template, which are usually offered by the various blogging services providers online. After the steps, it is time to post the blog in an appropriate title in a reverse chronological order.
Creating a blog requires planning in order to establish a sense of community with the audience and avoid deviation from the topic. It is also important to update on a regular basis because the main objective of blogging is to offer fresh content. Planning also entails paying attention the audience, the purpose and scope of the blog. This means that the blog must have a clear focus, which in the above case is organizational change management (Thill & Courtland, 2011). The following section discusses the key features of blogs that should be taken into consideration during planning.
Features that blogs must include
A section about the blogger is important to be incorporated to the blog since it adds life and facilitates connection with the readers. This requires an inclusion of the biography that outlines one’s profession in the topic. It is vital for a blog to have a comment system, which can be of benefit both to the audience and the blogger. During the implementation of a comment system, it is important for the blogging framework to have a spam protection. The search feature is also important when developing blogs that may be used by audiences in locating information in the blog and its archives. In the present online environment, social media integration is a vital requirement that bloggers ca exploit in order to appeal to the audiences. Conclusion and references also need to be included when developing a blog (Thill & Courtland, 2011).
Ellen, G., & Dana, L. (2009). Essentials of Business Communication. New York: Cengage Learning.
Thill, J., & Courtland, L. (2011). Excellence in Business Communication. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.