Compare a $100,000 median family income in 1980 to the same income in 1990, 2000, and 2010. What are the differences in the available products? What are the differences in the quality of those products?

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Compare a $100,000 median family income in 1980 to the same income in 1990, 2000, and 2010. What are the differences in the available products? What are the differences in the quality of those products?

sProblem 1

Use the national income data in the table below, compute (a) GDP, (b) NDP, and (c) NI using the expenditure approach.

National Income Accounting Data Amount (billions)
Compensation of Employees $2684
U.S. Exports of goods and services 551
Consumption of fixed capital 480
Government purchases 925
Taxes on production and imports 122
Net private domestic investment 233
Transfer payments 12
U.S. imports of goods and services 1674
Personal Taxes 81
Net foreign factor income 4
Personal consumption expenditures 3012
Statistical discrepancy 0

Problem 2

Compare a $100,000 median family income in 1980 to the same income in 1990, 2000, and 2010. What are the differences in the available products? What are the differences in the quality of those products? Considering this, in which of those years would you rather live? Why?

Problem 3

Assume that the consumption schedule for a private open economy is such that consumption C = 20 + 0.80Y. Assume further that planned investment Ig and net exports Xn are independent of the level of real GDP and constant at Ig = 40, G =20 and Xn = 10. Recall also that, in equilibrium, the real output produced (Y) is equal to aggregate expenditures: Y = C + Ig + G+ Xn.

  1. Calculate the equilibrium level of income or real GDP for this economy.
  2. What happens to equilibrium Y if G changes to 20? What does this outcome reveal about the size of the multiplier? What does this outcome reveal about the impact of fiscal policy?

Problem 4

Using the hypothetical economy data in the table below, calculate the aggregate demand and supply, as well as its price level.

Amount of Real GDP Demanded,


Price Level

(Price Index)

Amount of Real GDP Supplied,


$360 600 $1000
520 500 820
600 400 600
840 300 400
1020 100 300

Then address the following:

  1. a)What is the equilibrium price level and the equilibrium level of real output in this hypothetical economy? Use Excel to graph both the aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves. Can there be equilibrium level of output at below full employment?
  2. b)At what price level will aggregate supply equal aggregate demand? At what price level will demand fall below aggregate supply? If given a price level of 300, will aggregate demand exceed supply?
  3. c)If the aggregate demand schedule shifted by $20 billion to the right at every level, what would be the new equilibrium level of income?

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