Cashflow Statement and Income Statement

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Cashflow Statement and Income Statement

BA (Hon) Accountancy Financial Reporting and the Regulatory Framework (assignment) Assignment Titles : Income / Cash Flow Statements Assignment Length : no more than 2,500 words in length Submission Deadline : Assignment Question : Discuss and critically evaluate the requirement of companies to produce both an income statement and a cash flow statement as part of their year-end financial reports. Requirement : 1. It is expected that a bibliography will contain between 15-20 sources. As a MINIMUM the bibliography should include (Ref: Secondary Sources of Literature) a. 6 refereed academic journals b. 5 professional journals c. 4 academic books 2. Use a word processing package 3. Critical evaluation of the recommended treatment items in published financial statements 4. Communicate in a comprehensible manner Weighting (100%) : ? General essay presentation 10% ? Discussion of the relevance / purpose of the two statement 30% ? Critical evaluation of the requirement to produce the statements 40% ? Referencing / bibliography 20% Secondary Sources of Literature Most assignment will require you to make use of secondary literature sources. These sources may be available in paper and / or electronic form. The literature sources that you will be expected to refer to when completing your assignments include a. Refereed academic journals Articles in such publications are evaluated by academic peers prior to publication to assess their quality and suitability b. Other academic journals Such publications normally have an editor and / or editorial board to select articles. The relevance and usefulness of such journal vary considerably c. Professional journals Articles included in such publications are often of a practical nature and more closely aligned to professional (practitioner) needs than those in academic journals d. Books May be aimed at the academic market or at practicing professionals. It is likely that those with an academic slant will be of most relevance to you e. Newspapers A good source of topical events and developments All literature sources that are referred to in the body of your assignment must be included in the bibliography at the end of your assignment Assessment Guidelines : Your Response to a piece of Assessment – whether an Assignment or Examination will be assessed against Specific Criteria accompanying that Assessment However in assessing your work tutors are looking for five generally accepted skills which undergraduates are expected to acquire and demonstrate with sophistication a. The ability to analyze To engage with material, theories and issues in a clear, logical and focused way b. The ability to think critically To analyze the strengths and weaknesses of an argument or explanation without bias c. The ability to synthesize To bring together the elements of an argument or explanation and to construct it on appropriate principles and methodologies d. The ability to evaluate To discriminate between ideas, explanations, theories and concepts and to exercise judgment from a sound basis e. The ability to think creatively To bring a fresh and independent insight to theories, concepts and issues and to express these efficiently It is the candidate’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the University policies on plagiarism and use of unfair means contained within the Student handbook.

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