write Present Level of Performance and Goal.

August 4, 2017
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August 4, 2017
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write Present Level of Performance and Goal.

write Present Level of Performance and Goal.

o    Present level of performance (PLOP) for reading and writing.  Using all of the data collected, write a PLOP for this student.  In addition, write an IEP goal for each area of need indicated by the PLOP.

o    One goal for the major areas Writing, phonics assessment, word list, narrative and expository texts reading.  And no more than two or three objectives for each goal.

€¢    This is example, please note that this is not perfect example , but just I want to give you the ideas about what I expected. Also, please do not copy or even paraphrase this example. I

need new writing or new goal and PLOP.

Example 1. this is very good example

€¢    Present level of performance (PLOP) overview

Adrian and I will be working on the following goals and objectives until the end of the spring 2015 semester.  We expect to see progress in Adrian’s organization and vocabulary in writing through interventions such as graphic organizers, pre-writing strategies, and lessons on text structure and vocabulary. The goal we will be working on in reading comprehension is increased expository text structure while retelling. The interventions that will take place include increasing vocabulary and reading passages multiple times to help Adrian gain confidence in increasing his retelling ability.  Finally, Adrian will be working on word identification objectives that target fluency and automaticity (reading words as a whole) while strengthening phonics sounds (long vowels and combinations) that Adrian has not mastered. Some interventions include direct teaching and practice of long vowel sound patterns as well as having Adrian read-aloud short passages daily in ELL class to work on fluency/increasing WPM.

€¢    Writing PLOP

Goal 1: Given an expository writing prompt, Adrian will go from a level 2 to a level 3 (developing) on organization by using the proper text structure to answer the writing prompt as measured by the Beginners Writing Continuum Rubric.

Objective1: When writing an expository paper, Adrian will use graphic organizers as a pre-writing organizer to correctly identify the prompt’s text structure 2 out of 3 times in 2 consecutive opportunities.

Goal 2: Given an expository or narrative writing prompt, Adrian will go from a level 2 to a level 3 score on word choice by using 6 out of 10 new vocabulary words and not using the same word more than 3 times in his paper as measured by the Beginners Writing Continuum Rubric.

Objective 2: When writing a two paragraph expository or narrative paper, Adrian will use 3-5 new vocabulary words per paragraph in 3 consecutive opportunities.

€¢    Reading PLOP

Goal: Given a level 2 narrative or expository text, Adrian will increase in reading fluency by reading 70-89 WPM (instructional level) as measured by the QRI-5 by the end of the year.

Objective: When reading a narrative passage at level 2, Adrian will identify whole word patterns (increased fluency) without having to decode every word in 8 out of 10 sentences in 3 consecutive tries.

€¢    Word Identification PLOP

Goal 1 (written): Given a phonics/spelling test, Adrian will score at the instructional level by correctly spelling 23 out of 26 words as measured by the Words Their Way elementary spelling list by the end of the year.

Objective 1: When writing a paragraph, Adrian will correctly spell 4 out of 5 long vowel sound words in 2 consecutive opportunities.

Goal 2 (oral): Given a level 3 list of words, Adrian will score at the instructional level by getting a 75% total number correct as measured by the QRI-5 by the end of the year.

Objective 2: When reading short narrative or expository passages, Adrian will correctly pronounce long vowel phonics words 7 out of 8 times in 2 consecutive opportunities.

Example 2 ,

Adrian is a developing writer according to the Beginning Writers Continuum Rubric. Adrian scored  a level three or above on ideas, fluency, conventions, vocabulary, and presentation. These are developing areas where growth is being made.  However, his areas of weakness (level 2 or below) were word choice and organization. The struggle with word choice is due to a lack of vocabulary and phonics skills.  This was observed in Adrian’s writing through the use of the same words and phrases instead of trying to experiment with more difficult vocabulary words.

Goal: When given a 2nd grade writing prompt, Adrian will be able to write a paragraph where 4- 5 sentences contain a variety of vocabulary with long vowel sounds spelled correctly and score a level 4 or higher on 5 out of the 6 traits from the Beginning Writers Continuum Rubric by the end of the year.

Objective: When given Words Their Way long vowel sound sorts, Adrian will be able to correctly sort and spell 10 out of 12 words, 4 out of 5 consecutive times by the end of the year.

Adrian is reading at the instructional level 2 for both narrative and expository text. He scored at the instructional level 2 in total accuracy for miscues. Many of his miscues were due to a lack of word identification and long vowel sound combinations. However, Adrian worked very hard to read the words he did know accurately, so his WPM were almost the same as his CWPM. This demonstrates that Adrian is taking his time to sound words out with phonics patterns he does know. This shows that he does not have enough practice seeing words or phrases as a whole. The inability to read sight words or phrases significantly slowed his fluency, which was at the lowest end of the instructional level. Despite Adrian’s lack of fluency and sight words, he was able to correctly answer all of the comprehension questions, and re-telling the main events in the narrative story.  He was weak in re-telling/describing the main details of the expository text.  Overall, the weakest areas in reading are word identification which affects fluency and the ability to retell the text.

Goal: When given a level 3 expository text, Adrian will be able to read at a fluency rate of 80 WPM at 93% total accuracy on 2 out of 3 consecutive tries as measured by the QRI-5 by the end of the year.

Objective: When given a level 3 word list, by the end of the year Adrian will be able to automatically identify 70% or correctly identify 90% of the words as measured by the QRI-5.

Objective: When given a level 3 expository text, Adrian will be able to retell the main details with 50% accuracy on 2 out of 3 consecutive tries as measured by the QRI-5 by the end of the year.

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