Write an opinion essay using MLA standards in which you defend OR contest that this novel is considered an American “classic”.

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Write an opinion essay using MLA standards in which you defend OR contest that this novel is considered an American “classic”.


  • Write an opinion essay using MLA standards in which you defend OR contest that this novel is considered an American “classic“.
  • The four criteria for a “classic” are shown below *** and each one must be addressed in your opinion along with a supporting direct quotation from the novel.
1. A classic usually expresses some artistic quality–an expression of life, truth, and beauty.2. A classic stands the test of time. The work is usually considered to be a representation of the period in which it was written; and the work       merits lasting recognition.

3. A classic has a certain universal appeal. Great works of literature touch us to our very core being — partly because they integrate themes that are understood by readers from a wide range of backgrounds and levels of experience. Themes of love, hate, death, life, and faith touch upon some of our most basic emotional responses.

4. A classic combines enlightenment with enchantment. It awakens our imagination and enlarges our humanity.

  • Minimum Length: 2-1/2 pages PLUS a Works Cited (Works Cited is NOT counted in the page length)
  • Your essay needs to be formatted in MLA style, with heading, header, title, Times New Roman 12, one-inch margins. Do not use 1st person or second person.
  • Use correct MLA standards for integrating quotations and citations and the entry in the Works Cited page.
  • State a thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph and use transitions to organize your essay.

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