Write a 100 word reflection of how this concept relates to your life now. This can be how the article relates to you or how the concept itself relates to you.

Identify the Theme or Structure in “Cool Running” as: (a) Moral Implications, (b) The Truth of Human Nature. Give two examples from “Cool Running” to support your answer.
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Write a 100 word reflection of how this concept relates to your life now. This can be how the article relates to you or how the concept itself relates to you.

Two Articles,
The first article is about,
Tall organization structure
An organizational structure in which the pyramidal organization chart would be quite tall because of the various levels of management.
The second article is about,

Economies of scale 
The situation in which companies can reduce their production costs if they can purchase raw materials in bulk; the average cost of good as goes down as production levels increase.
How to complete the Article Assignment:

Current Events Articles:

In order to earn full 10 points, be sure to include:
Identify each section with the section label.  Use paragraphs within each sections.  Insert line-space between sections.  STAPLE the submission before you come to class. There is no stapler in the classroom.
Section 1   (1 point)

Find one concept from the assigned chapter.  These concepts are found in the margins of the chapters in the textbook.  Write the textbook definition of that concept you have chosen.

Section 2  (3.5 points)

Find a current business news article written based on that concept you have chosen.  The best method is to go to MSN, Yahoo News, or any other reputable news websites and type in that selected concept to find a credible source for the business news article.  Then summarize that business article in 200 words.

Section 3   (3.5 points)

Write a 100 word reflection of how this concept relates to your life now. This can be how the article relates to you or how the concept itself relates to you.  This is not an analysis of the article, but rather the application of the concept to your own life.

Section 4   (1 point)

Include a MLA format citation of the article (see Easybib.com).  URL only of “www….” will not receive any points.

Example of correct MLA format citation:

Mankiw, N. Gregory. “ECONOMIC VIEW; Too Much Wishful Thinking on Middle-Class Tax Rates.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 30 Dec. 2012. Web. 29 Dec. 2014.

    Section 5   (1 point)

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