What are the essential elements of a Mission Statement?

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What are the essential elements of a Mission Statement?

  1. Collaboration in a business environment is a best practice that leverages the collective knowledge of the team that is assembled. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than what are generally possible by the efforts of an individual.
    1. Describe the process that you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5.
    2. Discuss how a preliminary outline indicates how you intend to organize the project deliverable.
  2. What are the essential elements of a Mission Statement?
  3. What is the purpose of a Key Operating Principle?
  4. What sort of additional material would best ensure success of the project? Why?

Unit 5 Project instructions are attached!!


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