Visit website of 3M Australia ( to locate your potential choose of product.

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Visit website of 3M Australia ( to locate your potential choose of product.

Introduction to Marketing- Term 2, 2016


                                                                                               Group Case Study


3M Australia


Product link


You are now employed as marketing consultants to help develop a Marketing Plan for 3M Australia. Your team will need to firstly understand the brand by performing an Environmental analysis (Macro/Micro/Internal environment, SWOT Analysis) and set up objectives & Goals for the next 12 months, then designing the Marketing Mix (4P’s).  Your team needs to choose one of 3M current around 4,000 products or one product line to relaunch it with your marketing plan. It is very important that you are able to predict potential problems you might have with re-launching the product. As a team, you are required to pitch your marketing plan to senor Marketing Managers who will choose one plan for the allocated budget. 3M Australia is looking for a creative, practical and fun marketing plan!



  1. Objective of the Marketing Plan: Launching a new marketing plan for a product.

3M Australia marketing department looks for a feasible marketing plan of one of their current product. $300,000 is allocated to fund the chosen plan.  3M senior managers will review your plan and listen to your presentations to choose the best plan.
Visit website of 3M Australia ( to locate your potential choose of product.  Your team allowed to choose one product or one product line from Business or Consumer Products.
As a marketing team, you choose a best potential product from existing products by researching a market/industry for 3M, should develop a marketing plan for the product.  You need to pitch your plan to 3M senior marketing managers to secure a budget. We will compete with other marketing teams for the budget.  Only one plan will be selected for the budget and the team will involve in implementing the plan.



  1. The objective of Group Assessment 2

The aim of this group project is to encourage you to confront the reality that marketing practice is in a large part a group activity.  It encourages you to recognise that your effectiveness as a marketing professional is largely dependent on your ability to function and contribute as part of a team.  Over the development of plan, you need to apply the theories which taught in the term.



  1. Requirements of Report.

Your team can decide on the marketing mix strategy by looking at the various marketing theories taught this term. The challenge is to think outside the box and create a plan that is feasible for the brand!


Your report MUST prove why your product is the best potential for 3M in a situation analysis.  You must bring a sample(s) to your class for demonstration in the presentation day.


Word count: 2000 (+/- 10%) words. Not including Cover Page, Table of contents, Reference, Appendix



  • Application of theory: You will need to apply marketing theories for this assignment. You can refer to your textbook, lecture slides to help you to write the Marketing Plan. For specific guides on writing the marketing plan please refer to Appendix, Marketing Plan of your textbook.
  • Presentation: You are required to present your Marketing Plan in your tutorial class to your tutor and peers.
  • Template: A report template has been provided on Moodle for this assignment. Please refer to files in a directory “Assessment 2” or the subject outline. You will need to follow the template and discuss your marketing plan accordingly. However, if you need to add additional information, you can put it in Appendix.
  • Harvard Referencing: You are expected to refer to external resources for theories, ideas or current trends. You will need to apply theories to your statements/claims. These will need to be justified and supported by theory. Therefore, you will NEED to have at least 5 academic references for this assignment. Textbooks are not considered an academic reference, and it is expected that you would refer to it. You will need to reference it if you use your textbook. You should use resources from databases such as EBSCO, ProQuest, Emerald Insight, and so on.
  • Formatting: 12pt, 1.0 spacing.
  • Images: You can include images to help you illustrate your ideas with a proper reference. If there is insufficient space in the report, you can include in your Appendix.



Appendix: It includes tables, graphs, images, budget related quotes etc.


And also make the presentation powerpoint slides.


Marking Rubric for Report – Introduction to Marketing

   Mark Weight HD (16 -20) D (14-15) C (12-13) P (10-11) Fail (0 – 9)
Introduction 10% Clearly and concisely introduces the purpose of the marketing plan.  Demonstrated clear Knowledge of product  and provided clear description of product Clearly introduces the purpose of the marketing plan.  Demonstrated clear Knowledge of product  and provided limited description of product Introduced the purpose of the marketing plan.  Demonstrated clear Knowledge of product but not provided clear description of product The introduction is somewhat unclear and/or not concise in stating the purpose of the marketing plan. Demonstrated Knowledge of product There is no introduction that states the purpose of the marketing plan. No demonstration of  Knowledge of product
Market / Industry Analysis 10% Indentified relevant market trends and analysed the implications of market and environmental trends on the product. Indentified relevant market trends and analysed the implications of market and partly discussed environmental trends on the product. Indentified relevant market trends and analysed the implications of market but no environmental trends on the product. Indentified relevant market trends but not analysed the implications of market. No relevant market trends and analysed the implications of market
Competitive Analysis 10% Detailed understanding of the competitive environment  Identified all major direct and indirect competitors as well as conducted thorough competitive analysis Adequate understanding of the competitive environment. Identified some direct and indirect competitors and conduct competitor analysis Some understanding of the competitive environment. Identified some direct  competitors and conduct competitor analysis Very little understanding of the competitive environment.  Identified some direct and indirect competitors but did not conduct competitor analysis. No understanding of the competitive environment.  Does not identify direct or major competitors
Customer Analysis 10% Provided specific target customer profiles by clear analysis of the potential market based on 4 segmentation variables. Provided specific target customer based on 4 segmentation variables. Provided limited target customer profiles based on 4 segmentation variables. Provided limited target customer profiles by based on limited segmentation variables. No  target customer profiles
Brand Analysis 10% Fully articulated the product position and unique selling proposition clearly. Explored and expended on creative ideas. Developed strategies to make the ideas work. Articulated the product position and unique selling proposition clearly. Explored and expended on creative ideas. Articulated the product position and unique selling proposition clearly. Articulated the product position and unique selling proposition. No articulation the product position and unique selling proposition.
Objective and Goals 5% Clear and precise evaluation of information and very convincing arguments recognising alternate viewpoints and uncertainties.

Fully followed SMART rules with 12 months plan

Clear evaluation of information and argues convincingly recognizing alternate viewpoints and uncertainties.  Followed SMART rules with 12 months plan Generally clear and logical argument but lacking depth in understanding of alternate viewpoints and uncertainties.

Followed limited SMART rules with 12 months plan

Unclear or illogical arguments and explanations, some uncertainties not recognised.  Showed 12 months plan


Does not ask appropriate questions. Presents assumptions as facts or does not recognise alternate viewpoints.   No SMART rules followed.


Marketing Mix Analysis 20% All aspect of marketing 4ps are covered.  4p’s strategies are feasible and consistent.  Fully supported with analysis of the market. Most aspects of marketing 4ps are covered.  4p’s strategies are feasible and consistent, but partly supported by analysis of the market. Some aspects of marketing 4ps are covered. 4p’s strategies are feasible and consistent, but not supported by analysis of the market. Very few aspects of marketing 4ps are covered. 4p’s strategies are feasible but not consistent. No aspect of marketing 4ps are covered
Conclusion 5% Shows superior ability to analyse information logically and impartially from gathered information and reach reliable and trustworthy recommendations Shows ability to analyse information logically and impartially from gathered information and reach reliable and trustworthy recommendations Analyse information logically, skilfully, and impartially from gathered information and reaches reliable recommendations Analyse information logically from gathered information and reaches logical, but occasionally unsupported recommendations Shows biased, unskilled, and/or poor analysis of information from gathered information and unable to reliably identify logical recommendations
Written communication, referencing and presentation 10% Excellent scholarly written communication and presentation

Superior skill demonstrated in use of correct referencing style (Harvard)

Excellent presentation

Strong scholarly written communication and presentation

Sound skill demonstrated in use of correct referencing style (Harvard)

Very good presentation

Good written communication and presentation

Good skill demonstrated in use of correct referencing style (Harvard)

Good presentation

Acceptable written communication and presentation – some errors

Skill demonstrated in use of correct referencing style (Harvard) – some errors

Acceptable presentation

Poor written communication and presentation

Poor/no skill demonstrated in use of correct referencing style (Harvard)

Poor presentation

Research Supports 10% Shows exceptional ability in finding and using a wide range of sources to support analysis Shows strong ability in finding and using a wide range of sources  to support analysis Shows good ability in finding and using a wide range of sources  to support analysis Shows limited ability in finding and using a wide range of sources  to support analysis Insufficient range or inappropriate sources used to support analysis.
Total 100%          
Scale down

Assessment Mark





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