Using either the OSI Reference Model or the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, describe how each layer of the Model/Suite represents the communication flow between organizational levels and across departments/division of an actual hierarchical business.

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Using either the OSI Reference Model or the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, describe how each layer of the Model/Suite represents the communication flow between organizational levels and across departments/division of an actual hierarchical business.

Network Architecture Paper: Using either the OSI Reference Model or the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, describe how each layer of the Model/Suite represents the communication flow between organizational levels and across departments/division of an actual hierarchical business.  Be sure to include a communication flow diagram showing the logical and physical connections.

The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 3 to 5 pages of content, and a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.



Introduction and/or Background: The introduction and/or background have excellent detail providing a clear understanding of the paper’s direction with excellent integration of course material and the assignment’s requirements. and The introduction and/or background appropriately and concisely introduce the paper’s content while providing the paper’s focus. and The introduction’s length is not more than one (1) page for papers less than 10 pages or the length is not more than 20% of assigned paper’s length for papers greater than 10 pages.

Conclusion and/or Recommendation(s): The conclusions (if required) and/or the recommendations (if required) directly relate to the assignment’s content and the assignment’s requirements with excellent integration and detail providing a clear understanding of the conclusions / recommendations.

APA Format, Literary Sources, & Grammatical Excellence: The combination of APA formatting, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, and grammatical errors is 2 or less. and The number of literary sources (if required) exceeds the requirement by at least four and all sources are appropriately used to support the paper’s content.

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