the use of screeners
Final Project Instructions
For the Unit 9 Final Project, you will evaluate a case study. Review each case provided on the Unit 9 Final Project content page and choose one to write about. In a well-presented paper,
complete the following about the case you chose:
1. In a Background section, summarize the current DSM criteria (use the following website if you do not have a copy of the current DSM:
iv-tr) and description for the selected case study, making sure to include the following:
a. What genetic and environmental contributions may influence this disorder?
b. What brain abnormalities may be indicated for this disorder and what information might be revealed by use of brains scans such as PET, fMRI, SPECT, etc.
c. What legal, ethical, and forensic issues arise following a diagnosis of dementia, stroke, or autistic disorder? (Hint: Discuss applicable mental health laws versus noncompliance due to challenges
in meeting required standards of care due to funding limitations in the current managed care environment.)
2. What interviews, tests, and assessment would you use to diagnose this disorder and what results do you expect from these tests and assessment? Describe the use of the following tests and
assessments (as applicable) to describe the psychological disorder:
a. Review use of a ?Screener? (MMSE or RBANS Do not use these screeners for autistic disorder case study these are only used with adults.)
b. Assessment of Sensory Perception (Use only for stroke case study)
c. Assessment of Cognitive Speed (Trails A & B, Digit-Symbol Test, PASAT Only Adult Cases) Note: There is a child’s version of the Trails A & B. If a child can do the WISC-IV, there is a Digit-Symbol
Test within it; but consider using the DAS which has a lower ?floor? and may be more doable for children with autistic disorder.
d. Assessment of two and three dimensional constructional ability (Block assembly from WAIS battery, Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure, Tinkertoy Test for three dimensional ability only use for
e. Assessment of Verbal and Spatial memory (CVLT, Rey Osterreith Complex Figure). For autism disorder case study, use Differential Ability Scales subtests only; other tests are too complex for
f. Assessment of Verbal Fluency (Boston Naming Test, FAS; for autism disorder case study, use Differential Ability Scales)
g. Assessment of Social Cognition (For the autistic disorder case study, use Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale ADOS level 1 or 2. Do not use WAIS Picture Arrangement as it is too complex
for children.)
PS520 Unit 9 Final Project
h. Assessment of Intellectual Ability and Achievement (WISC or WAIS Battery and Wide
Range Achievement Test (WRAT), respectively for adults). Use Differential Ability
Scales for autistic disorder with children (unless the child is very high functioning, in
which case you can use WISC-IV).
i. Assessment of Executive Function (WCST, Category Test, Stroop). Use NEPSY battery
for high functioning autistic disorder children.
j. Assessment of Personality MMPI (adults only)
k. Assessment of daily functioning (?Vineland? for autism only; Rivermead Behavioral
Memory Test for stroke and for dementia due to HIV Disease)
l. Assessment for Malingering (TOMMS, MMPI ?L? scale, Digits Forward/Backwards
Dementia due to HIV Disease case study only)
3. What recommendations for accommodations or rehabilitation do you suggest?
4. What prognosis do you make for your client?
Be sure to review the rubric that will be used to grade your Final Project before you begin
Your Final Project should:
? Use 5-7 pieces of empirical literature in support of your observations and discussion.
Each citation must be presented in appropriate APA format. All work should be in your
own words with quotes used very sparingly.