Temperature and heat

Research Study Design
August 4, 2017
chief executive officer (CEO) for a 320-bed acute care hospital with outpatient centers
August 4, 2017
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Temperature and heat

Temperature and heat

20.) Why does a Piece of watermelon stay cool for a Longer Time than Sandwiches do when both taken out of the same Picnic cooler on a hot day?
30.) Would a Bimetallic strip function if the two different metal shave the same rates of expansion? Is it Important that they expand Different rates?
40.) Would you or the gas Company gain by having gas warmed before it passed through the gas meter?
50.) After you measure the Dimensions of a plot of land with a Steel tape on a hot day, you return and premeasure the same plot on a cold day do you determine the larger are of land

Heat Transfer
5.) At what Common Temperature will a Block of wood and a Block of Metal both feel Neither Hot nor Cold to the touch?
15.)does wood have Low Conductivity if it is very Hot-that is in the stage of Smoldering, red hot coals could you safety walk across a bed of red hot red coals with bare feet? Although the coals are hot, does the heat conduct from them to your feet if you step quickly? Could you do the same on red hot iron coals?
25.) Which atoms on average, Move slower in a Mixture, U-238 or U-238? How would this Affect Diffusion through a Porous membrane of otherwise identical gases made from these isotopes
35.)if we warm a Volume of air, it expands, Does it then followthat if we expand Volumeof air, it warms explain?
45.) Even Though Metal is a Good Conductor, Frost can be Seen on a Parked cars in the early Morning even when the air temperature is Freezing. Provide an explanation?
Change Of Phase
10.)Pretend that all the Molecules in a Liquid have the same speed, not Random speeds, would evaporation of this Liquid case the remaining liquid to be cooled.. explain?
20.)why do clouds often form above Mountain peaks?
30.) Water will boil spontaneously in a Vacuum on the surface of the moon, for example could you cook an egg in boiling water? Explain
40.) Why does water in a car radiator sometimes boil explosively?
50.)what Accounts for the Bulged ends of a can of Soda that has been Frozen?

10.) When you Blow up a Balloon do you slightly warm the balloon? When air is rushed out of it, how if all does the Temperature of that expanding air Change?
20.) Why is it adventurous to use steam that is as hot as possible in a team-Driven Turbine?
30.) What happens when density of a Quantity of Gas when its Temperature is decreased and its pressure is held Constant?
40.) Why do we say a Substance in Liquid phase is More Disordered than the same Substance in a Solid Phase?
48.)(a) if you sent 10 minutes Repeatedly shaking and throwing down a pair of Coins, Would you expect to see two heads Coming up at least once?(b) if you spent an Hour shaking a handful of Coins and throwing them down, would you expect to see all 10 come up as heads at least once?(c) if you stirred a Box of 10,000 coins and tossed the repeatedly on the floor all day long would you expect to see all 10,000 appear as heads at least once
Vibrations and waves
5.) You Pick up an Empty Brief case and let it swing to and fro at its Natural Frequency. If the case were filled with books, would the natural Frequency be lower, Greater, or same as before?
15.) What Kind of motion should you impart to the Nozzle of a Garden Hose so that the Resulting Stream approximates a sine Curve?
25.) How Does the Frequency of Vibration of a small Object Floating in water compare with the number of waves passing each Second?
35.) a railroad  locomotive is at rest with its whistle Shrieking. Then starts moving toward you.(a) does the frequency of sound you hear Increase . Decrease, or stay the same? (B) HOW ABOUT THE WAVELENGTH REACHING YOUR EAR? (C) HOW ABOUT THE SPEED OF Sound in the air between you and the Locomotive?
45.) if the sound of an airplane does not Come from the part of the sky where the plane is seen, Does this imply that the air plane is Travling faster than the speed of Sound; explain
10.)what happens to wave length of Sound as the Frequency increases?
20.)IF THE Frequency of Sound is Doubled, what Change will Occur in its speed? In its wave lengths ?
30.)a Rule of thumbfor estimating the distance in kilometers between an observer and a lighting stroke is to divide the number of seconds in the interval between the flas and the sound by 3. Is this rule correct? Defend your answer.
40.) a special device can transmit out of phase sound froma noisy jack hammer to its operator using earphone. Over the noisy jackhammer the operator caneasily hear your voice while you are unable to hear is explain?
50.)  A Human cannot hear Sound at the frequency of 100khz or sound at 103 khz. But if you walk into a room which two Sources are emitting sound waves, one at 100 khzand the other at 102 khz, youl hear sound. Explain
3.) Why are OBJECTS with vast numbers of elections normally not Electrically Charged
11.) an Electroscope is a Simples a Simple Device Consisting with metal ball that is Attached by a Conductor to two thin leaves of meta l Foil protected from air in a Jar Disturbances in a Jar, when a ball is Touched by a Charged body. The leaves that normally hang straight down spread apart. Why? (Electroscopes are useful not only as Charge Detectors but also for Measuring the Quantity of charge; the more charge transferred to the ball. The more leaves Diverge?
33.) Measurements show that there is an Electric Field Surrounding earth. Its Magnitude is about 100/N/C AT THE EARTHS Surface. And points inward toward earth’s center. From this information, can you state whether earth is negatively pr Positivity Charged.
46.) Imagine a proton at rest a certain distance from a negatively charged plate. It is released and collides with the same distance away from a positively charges plate. In which case will the moving particle have the greater speed when the collision occurs? Why?
5.) Why will dust be attracted to a DVD wipe d with a Dry Cloth?
25.) When you double the Distance between a pair of Charged Particles, what happens to the Force between them does it Depend on the sign of the charges? What law defends your answer?
50.) if you were to expand 10 J of work to Push a 1 C- CHARGE OF THE PREVIOUS Problem if it Flies past its staring Position?
57.) Why is it dangerous to Touch the terminals od a High Voltage Capacitor even after the Charging Circuit is Turned off
Electric Current
3.) Consider a Circuit with a Main Wire those Branches into two other wires. If the current is 10 A IN the main wire and 4 in one of the branches, how much current is in the other branch?
10.) Does more Current Flow out a Battery than into it?
14.) an Electron moving in a Wire Collides repeatedly with atoms and travels an average distance between collisions called mean free path. If the mean free path is less in some metals, what can you say about resistance of these metals? For a Given Conductor, what can be done to lengthen the mean free path?
23.) What causes Electric shock current or Voltage?
31.) To connect a Pair of resistors so that their combined (equivalent) resistant will be less than the resistance of either one, should you connect them in series or in Parallel?
50.) your friend says that the equivalent ( combined) resistance of resistors connected in series is always more than the resistance of the largest resistors ( DO YOU AGREE)
52.) your Electronic friend needs 20- resistor but only has 40- resistors he tells you that he can combine them to produce a 20- resistor now. HOW?
5.) if you place a Chuck of Iron near the north pole of a magnet, attraction will occur. Why will attraction occur if you place the same iron near the South Pole Magnet?
12.) Why will a Magnet attract an ordinary nail, or paper clip but not a wooden pencil?
23.) in what position can a current- carrying loop of wire be located in a magnetic field so that it doesn’t tend to rotate ?
25.) Does A current carrying wire exert a force on a magnet? Why or why not
31.)a beam of Electrons Passes through a Magnetic field without being Deflected. What can you conclude about the Orientation of the beam relative to the magnetic field?
38.)a Magnetic field can deflect a Beam of electrons, But it cannot do work on the electrons,  to change their speed. Why?
47.) Will a pair of Parallel current- carrying wires exert forces from each other?
Electromagnetic Induction
1.)why does the word Change occur so Frequently
14.)when you turn the shaft of an electric motor by hand, what occurs in the interior coils of wire?
18.) an electric saw oprating at normal speed draws a realtivly small current but if a piece of wood being sawed jams and the motor shaft is prevented from turning, the current dramatically increases and motor over heats.. why?
21.) How could a light bulb near an electromagnet, but not touching it, be lit? is ac or dc required defend your answer.
28.)what is the Principle Difference between a Step up transformer and a step down transformer?
Properties of Light
1.)    A Friend says in a profound tone, the light is only thing we can see, is your friend Correct
10.) what is the diffrance between a gamma ray and an infrared ray?
16.) Are the wave lengths of Radio and television signal longer or shorter than waves detectable by the human eye?
21.) What are the Slimarites between waves and light?
30.) Suppose that Sunlight falls bath on a pair of reading glasses and on a pair of dark sunglasses. Which pair of glasses would you expect to become warmer? Defend your answer.
32.)only some of the people on the daytime side of earth can witness a solar eclipse when it Occurs, Whereas all the people on the nighttime side of earth can witness the lunar eclipse  when it occurs why is this so?
43.) th intensity of light decreases as the inverse square of the distance from the source. Does this mean that light energy is lost? Explain.

50.)20/20 Vision is the arbitrary measure of vision. Meaning that you can read what an Average person can readapt a Distance of 20feet in daylight. What ids the distance in meters?

1.)    What color of Visible light has the longest wave length and shortest wavelength?
12.) Why does a white piece of paper appear white in white light, red in red light and blue in blue light. And so on for every color?
22.)in which  of these cases will a ripe banana  appear black when illuminated with red, yellow, green, or blue light?
32.)  Why is the sky a darker blue when you are at high altitudes?
42.)if the Sky on a certain planet in the solar system were normally orange, what color would sunsets be?
Reflection and refraction
1.)peter Hopkinson  how does he create illusion?
11.)to reduce glare from the Surrounding, the windows of some Department stores, rather than being vertical ,slant inward at the bottom how does this reduce glare?
27.) if you place a Glass test tube in water, you can see the tube. If you place it in the clear soybean oil. You may not be able to see it what does this indicate about the speed of light in the oil and in the water relative to its speed in glass?
37.) two observers standing apart from one another do not see the same rainbow explain?
56.) Why do you put slides into an old fashioned slide projector upside down?
Atom and the quantum
2.) which color Light is the result of a Greater energy Transition red or blue?
13.)which best explains the photoelectric effect- the particle nature or the wave natureof the electron? Which best explains the discrete levels in the bohr model of the atom?
17.) Does the de Broglie model assert that an electron must be moving in order to have wave properties?
24.) if the world of the atom is so uncertain and subject to the laws of probabilities , can we accurately measure such things as Lightintensity  electric current and tempature?
Special Theory of Relativity
2.)    If you were in a Smooth Riding Train with no widows, could you sense the difference between uniform motion and reset? Between accelerated motion and rest? Explain how you could make such Distinction with a bowl filled with water?
15.) Event A Occurs before event B in a certain frame of reference, how could reference. How could event B occur before event A in some other frame of reference?
20.) it is possible in the principle for a Human being who has a life  expectancy of 70years to makea round tripJourney to a Part of the universe Thousands of light years distant?
25.) Due to Length Contraction you see people in the spaceship passing by you as being Slightly Narrower than they normally appear how these people view you
30.)if Stationary observers Measure the shape of a Passing object to be exactly circular, what is the object according the observers on a Board the object traveling with

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