Societal Risk

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Societal Risk

Societal Risk
Critically analyse Beck?s theory of Risk Society in relation to one other contemporary theoretical approach to societal risk. Consider which of these provides the most useful framework for understanding how Western societies assess and manage risk.

Make reference to contemporary societal risks where appropriate.

You must submit the work following the guidelines below. Failure to do

1) The text must be word processed.

2) The font size must not be less than 12 points.

3) The line spacing must not be less than 1.5.

4) Pages must be numbered.

5) Use A4 paper ? one side only

6) Use one staple in the top left corner to secure your work.

7) The front sheet must display:

so will constitute a non-submission

i. The student?s name.

ii.The title of the student?s degree programme.

iii. The module title and code.

iv. The coursework title.

v.An accurate word count.

8) If using abbreviations please state the full name at the first entry e.g. Association of British Insurers (ABI) may thereafter be referred to as the ABI.

9) Do not write in the first person ? adopt a passive third person style e.g. ?I found this €¦€¦? would be unacceptable and should appear as ?It was found that€¦€¦€¦?

10) The past tense should be used when reviewing or reporting published text.

11) Use Titles, headings and subheadings as appropriate.

12) Use the Harvard System of referencing ? see the University Citation Guide if you are unsure.

13) The penalty for plagiarism will apply and is outlined in the Assessment Regulations for the University.


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