Reflect on the CPD sessions you have attended in year 2. Analyze any main developmental points from the events and activities. What did you learn from these events?

Based on the information you have obtained about this organization, what recommendations could you provide the company to help them more effectively work with different personalities, individual differences, or gender differences in the workplace.
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What measures will you take to ensure that you achieve the purpose of the meeting?
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Reflect on the CPD sessions you have attended in year 2. Analyze any main developmental points from the events and activities. What did you learn from these events?


Please reflect on the CPD sessions you have attended in year 2. Analyze any main developmental points from the events and activities. What did you learn from these events?

Were these events helpful? How do these events connect to the continuous professional development activities you have undertaken in year 1 of your studies? Also include any actions you have set yourself for the future as a result of these events and activities in year 1 and 2.



for example? time management? social skills? presentation skills? teamwork? etc



about 800 words

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