Project description
Formative assessment will be in the form of peer review and tutor feedback in practical workshops.
Summative assessment will be in the form of a portfolio of evidence, maximum of 3,000 words excluding any appended items, which demonstrates the fulfilment of the three learning outcomes.
In particular, the evidence would be expected to show how the student has deployed the management processes of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling to their own activities i.e. in the making of decisions and in the solving of problems. Thus in learning outcome 1 the student may show how they have used planning, organizing and controlling to schedule their workload and to monitor their activities. With regard to learning outcome 2, evidence may show how the student has used the principle of motivating to enhance work performance of subordinates/colleagues or indeed themselves. For learning outcome 3 this could take the form of learning logs and/or a piece of reflective narrative in which it is shown how the processes of reflective learning and practice have been used to assess experiences and practices and how this has subsequently led to a change or improvement in the situation described. and see the files i will attachment