normal media routine

quotas and reverse discrimination
August 4, 2017
observational study
August 4, 2017
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normal media routine

normal media routine

Paper instructions:
Eliminate media technology from your life for one week. For seven consecutive days you are to do without radio, tv, newspapers, magazines,and the Internet (other than as required by work or school). Other reading is fine. Try not to ask others what is going on in the world. Write a short paper€“about 3-4 pages (not including the required title page)€“in which you describe how you experienced that week. Your essay is due, in Microsoft Word only, submitted in the Dropbox. See Our Schedule under Course Home for the due date. Some possible issues for discussion are:

What your normal media routine is
What you did and did not miss
What you did with the extra time
What the experience taught you
How your interactions with others were affected
How your moods were affected
Remember, the state you will be putting yourself in was the state everyone was in all the time not that long ago.


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