Modify the code created for the Unit 3 assignment to use Asynchronous to perform the database updates.

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Modify the code created for the Unit 3 assignment to use Asynchronous to perform the database updates.

Using a background thread instead of the user interface (UI) thread, as per design guidelines and best practices, do the following:

  1. Modify the code created for the Unit 3 assignment to use Asynchronous to perform the database updates.
  2. Test the application in the Android Phone Emulator.
  3. Create screenshots of all of the relevant screens of your running application, and save them in a Word document named “your name_ITSD427_IP4.doc.” You should also use this document to describe the work you performed for this assignment, with specific details regarding the locations and changes of the code that you created and modified.
  4. Save and close the project. Zip the entire project, including your screenshots and work description, to a file named “your,” and submit the zip file to the Dropbox.

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