Introduces online presence for business and information security policies. E-commerce can result in a radical change in the manner business operate, but it needs to be integrated with the rest of the business. Some of the integration includes, planning, competition of resources, and interfaces to other internal systems. Sometimes companies join an alliance or consortium of companies to explore E-commerce implementation. Most electronic payment systems know who the buyers are, and it is therefore necessary to protect their identity. Other private issues may involve tracking of Internet user activities through cookies and in-house monitoring of web services.
Everyday sales items purchased online have almost doubled between the year 2006 and 2010 and it is expected that these figures will keep doubling by 2020. A few years back, E-commerce was not expected to be what is now. It is now clear that all businesses need to provide online services sooner or later to remain in the market. The same is true for mobile commerce.
In order to identify what businesses need to do to start their online presence, go over the background readings and any other elective readings you find useful. When you have read the articles listed in the background material and any other relevant reading you could find, imagine that you want take advantage of the Internet and communication technologies for your business. These include the tools, business strategies, and information security needed to orderly implement electronic and mobile commerce.
In addition, E-policies typically include: ethical computer use policy, information privacy policy, acceptable use policy, email privacy policy, Internet use policy, and anti-spam policy.
in this course explores some of the concerns manager face as they adapt to an increasingly technological environment. The Case “How Starbucks is Changing to a Digital and Social Enterprise” is a thought provoking case and may challenge you to consider some of the actions to take if placed in similar circumstances. The case can be found at Chapter 1 or at
How is Starbucks changing to a Digital and Social Enterprise? What are the drivers for this change?
In what ways you think Starbucks increases its brand recognition with its E-Commerce initiatives?
Is the E-Commerce system bringing Starbucks closer to its customers? Is it changing consumer behavior? Why and why not?
Note: this study was selected from the book Electronic Commerce
A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective by Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J,. Lian, T., & Turban, D. For more info see:
Should be 5+ pages for the answer, excluding cover page and reference list.
Reading that might help…
Watson, R. T., Berton, P., Pitt, L. F., & Zinnia, G. M. (2008). Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective
Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J,. Liang, T., & Turban, D. A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective. Retrieved from
Jabberer, A. (2012). Cloud computing for increased business value. International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 3 (1), 1-6.
Antiwar, R., Use, S., Thermostat, C. (2006). “From electronic to mobile commerce: opportunities through technology convergence for business services”. Asia Pacific Tech Monitor (New Delhi (India) 23 (5): 38–45.
Harness, G. (2015). What is an E-business initiative. Retrieved from
Excel 2013 Training Courses, Videos, and Tutorials (2015). Retrieved from:
Lo-winger, J. (2015, May 18). In the new golden age of Commerce, social collaboration is key.Retrieved from