Informatics Nurse Specialist

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Informatics Nurse Specialist

Informatics Nurse Specialist

Write a scholarly paper that proposes the need for an INS in your institution. Include the scope of the INS practice, the benefits of hiring someone into this role, and the financial impact it would have on your facility. What would it cost the facility? How do you think it might benefit the organization financially? How would the INS role impact nursing’s relationship with the other Information Systems Departments you read about in Chapter 6 of Englebardt and Nelson (2002)? How could he/she serve as a change agent? Feel free to expand on these questions. They are simply guidelines to begin your investigation of the INS role! Your paper should be at least 1250 words NOT including title page and references. No abstract is needed.
Be sure to use APA format for your paper. Investigate and include information from peer reviewed nursing journals in your work, citing all resources according to APA format. The majority of your references should not be more than five years old, though we recognize that some older articles and books are classic and contain valuable information.


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