In Sandman, God is never explicitly referred to by name. There is only mention of “The Presence”which the angels acknowledge. Do you think it was a respectful representation?

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In Sandman, God is never explicitly referred to by name. There is only mention of “The Presence”which the angels acknowledge. Do you think it was a respectful representation?

Instructions:You should use all prior course material, plus your own understanding, to formulate reflective essay responses answer to four “Sandman” essay questions.
The Answer Sheet with the questions will become available one week before submission date.Access the reading materials folder to download the Sandman

Do not summarize unless you need to do so to make a point.  (I have read Sandman.  Many times…)

Formatting:Calibri 11pt; double-spacing. Remember, that this is a midterm exam, and it would be wise to treat this assignment accordingly.
Neither bibliography nor footnotes (for citations) are necessary.  Use in-text citations for sacred texts(Book Chapter: Verse; e.g. Jb 38: 4).Use universal language (e.g. “humankind” not “mankind”).


In Sandman, God is never explicitly referred to by name.  There is only mention of “The Presence”which the angels acknowledge.  Do you think it was a respectful representation?

2. Some of God’s characteristics in Sandman:  Is He omnipotent?  Merciful?  Eternal?  Does He seemfamiliar to you?

3. Describe ‘Hell’ in Sandman.  What is God’s role in Hell?  (You may—if you wish—compare Gaiman’svision of Hell to descriptions by others, e.g. Dante, C. S. Lewis, etc; or compare it with your own idea.

4. God’s relationship with His created:  How do the angels act toward Him?  How does Sandman?  Doesthis resonate with you?  Why or why not?

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