current business topic
August 4, 2017
Composition and Inverse
August 4, 2017
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Part I. HYPOTHESIS/PROPOSITION: things like Outsourcing is good or Offshoring is bad or FDI leads to economic growth or Russia is ripe for foreign investment or India has changed its laws to increase entrepreneurship.
Part II. EVIDENCE: Discuss three reasons and the evidence for your hypothesis/proposition. Site your sources. Include in your evidence at least one article from a newspaper or other media source in the country you have been selected for the paper or a third country. Critically evaluate the sources as to coverage and potential bias. Please do your own thorough research to identify good English-language newspaper(s) from your country. Do not use the following sources for your local media source: AP, UPI, Financial Times, New York Times, WSJ (all editions), Deutsche Welle, Kyodo, Bloomberg, International Herald Tribune or CNN. The requirement is to learn about news, analysis and commentary from a different point of view, not from global news wire services. It is important that your instructor be able to read your international newspaper article. Your grade will be withheld unless a copy or tested link to the original version is included in the paper.
Part III: CONCLUSIONS: Show that your thesis has been proven and what you learn from this

You are provided with several resources that will allow you to submit a well researched and considered term paper. These resources include:
? A workshop (for a full class period) with a business librarian on the use of library resources in doing international business research, including finding international business and media articles
? Excellent information available on Writing Effective Research and Technical Reports at:
? Information on proper reference citation using APA or MLA style refer to the library website under the BUSA3000 Research Guide
? The textbook with several resources identified in each chapter
? The CTW writing consultant assigned to this section
? Peers that will give you feedback
? Assessing your own work against that of your peers as you review the papers of 3 other students
A defined process for doing research and preparing a term paper

Draft Process
The term paper itself will be completed in three steps:
You need to select a country other than the USA to study for the tern paper. You will then do some background research on the country to allow you to select a topic to explore as it relates to this country. You will continue the process by collecting information about your selected topic as it relates to your country. The objective for this first draft is (a) to collect the background information and to (b) develop a concept thesis for your paper. This stage will be due as the First Draft of your term paper, should be no less than 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) words and will be submitted in SWoRD. You will receive feedback on the First Draft from the instructor/writing consultant as well as three peers in the class in SWoRD and then will be able to incorporate any of this feedback you get into your Second Draft. You will also give feedback and assess the drafts of three other students in your class using the rubric.
The Second Draft will require you to continue to do research on your topic and show specific supporting evidence for your thesis. If you discover that your thesis needs to be modified or changed you will need to make the appropriate adjustment. In the paper you will need to conduct an analysis of your topic as it relates to your selected country. Your evidence needs to include at least one newspaper article (from outside the country you choose to cover or the USA) as one of the pieces of evidence in support of the thesis. This article may not originate from the country you cover in your analysis, but must be from a second country. A complete version of your paper, including citations and references and at least 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) words long will be due as the Second Draft and will be submitted in SWoRD.
You will receive feedback on the Second Draft from the writing consultant and 3 peers on SWoRD and then will be able to incorporate any of this feedback into a Final Version of the term paper. The Final Term Paper will also need to be submitted in SWoRD.

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