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How do stigma and chronic illness relate? How do individuals with chronic illnesses learn to live with their illnesses?

Exam 1 SOCIO3440
Due Friday March 24th by 5:00pm on Canvas.

Read these instructions very carefully.

This exam consists of two parts. For the first part you have the choice to answer 1 of 2 essay questions. Respond to only one question—if you write two, only one will be graded. Your response should be approximately 1 single spaced page and include a short introductory paragraph, a body section, a concluding paragraph, and in-text citations for course material used to answer the questions. This essay is worth 55 points.

For the second part of the exam you will pick 3 short answer questions to respond to. Do not answer all 6 questions—only the first 3 will be graded. Your responses should be 1-2 paragraphs (approximately 6 sentences each). Your response should contain introductory and concluding remarks, as well as in-text citations for course material used to answer the questions. These responses are worth 15 points each.

You must use and cite course material on the exam. Failure to do so will result in no credit for the response. Course material must be cited using the author’s last name and the year of publication. For example, (Farmer 1999) is an acceptable citation. If you do not know the year of publication the author’s last name is fine on it’s own: (Farmer). You may also cite lecture as (lecture).

Do not use outside material on this exam. All your responses should be informed by course material, lecture, and media presented in lecture. Dictionary definitions, websites (even if seemingly appropriate), and readings from other classes should not be consulted. You are tested on your level of knowledge and understanding of course material for this class.

Write in full sentences, proof read, and address all components of the question. Do your best to answer each question in a way that demonstrates the depth and breadth of your knowledge of course concepts and course material.

You may use your notes and your book, but you must work on the exam by yourself and all responses must be your own. Academic dishonesty is not tolerated. Plagiarism will be reported to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities and you will earn a zero on the exam. No exceptions.

No email submissions will be accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure your exam was submitted on time and in the proper format. I suggest submitting early to account for any potential technological mishaps. I will grade the exam submitted to Canvas and no other submissions or formats will be accepted. Points will be deducted for late submission .

Please submit your responses in a single Word document and upload them to Canvas. You may copy and paste the questions from this document into your document and respond there. Do not include these instructions in your submission.

Part 1: Longer Essay. Write a response to one of the following questions. (55 points)

There are multiple ways to make sense of public health issues. Sociological understandings of obesity, for example, focus on structural rather than individual issues. And, while obesity represents the medicalization of fatness, researchers and lay people alike are hesitant to exam the social components of obesity. In light of this, how has obesity been constructed as an epidemic and a personal problem? What factors are involved in the creation of the obesity epidemic? How has healthism impacted the solutions offered to the problem of obesity? Finally, what are three ways healthism is reinforced in the documentary Hungry for Change? Be sure to use examples.
An increase in chronic diseases, evidenced by shifts in morbidity and mortality rates, created new fodder for sociological study. Consequently, there has been much sociological research on the cultural factors that influence and impact the kinds of stories individuals tell about their experiences with illness. What is the link between chronic illnesses and focus on illness experiences and illness narratives? What role do illness discourses play in the construction of illness narratives? What are some of the characteristics of dominant pink ribbon narratives? Finally, how does Audre Lorde’s experience, and narrative, compare to those characteristics? Be sure to use examples.
Part 2: Short Answer Responses. Write responses to three of the following questions. (15 points each)
How do stigma and chronic illness relate? How do individuals with chronic illnesses learn to live with their illnesses? Provide examples to support your answer.
What problems does public health focus on? How is public health different from medicine? Provide examples to support your answer.
What are some problems with attributing obesity to built environment? How does Mick Cornett’s Ted Talk (Lecture 3.14.17) relate? Provide examples to support your answer.
What is co-production and how do commonly accepted definitions of concepts (think: sugar, health, obesity, etc.) influence our understanding of social problems? Provide examples to support your answer.
How do Guthman and the contributors in Hungry for Change differ in how they define the relationship between health and beauty? Be sure to explain how each side defines the relationship. Provide examples to support your answer.
What are two factors, outside of individual behaviors, that contribute to obesity? Refer to Hungry for Change and Weighing In. Provide examples to support your answer.

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