Health Care System

Cultural Event Report
August 4, 2017
How can a public diplomacy address a state’s credibility deficit?
August 4, 2017
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Health Care System

Health Care System
1. Chose a topic that interests you because you are going to spend the next
16 weeks reading and writing on this one topic. After a while things get
more than just a tad boring.
2. Start writing your paper right away, working through the various sections –
meet with me to talk over your paper
3. Given the fact that you will be taking other classes, and possibly working,
it is usually a good idea to present and write on the same issue.
4. It is important to be an expert on something or knowledge about a few
things, this is your opportunity to specialize. Don’t waste it.
5. Correct citations are a must, invest the time in learning how to do this well
and you’ll be well serviced one the line.
Final Presentation Guidelines
What is a policy Paper?
Policy papers are different from the standard research papers in several
1. They are usually addressed at a non-academic audience, such as a
particular official, agency, or organization
2. They often focus on prescriptive questions. They may begin by
diagnosing a particular issue or situation, and typically argue for a
solution that will address that issue or situation
3. Often, policy papers are focused on being persuasive. The intention is
to convince the target audience that your position is the correct one.
4. Evidence in support of a position is crucial. This is also important for
research papers, but it tends to be absolutely critical in policy papers.
Policy papers are written efficiently. Remember €“ your audience often does
not have much time and does not want to read a book on the subject. Indeed,
often policy papers are accompanied by policy briefs which summarize the
papers in a page or less.
So What Types of Paper can you write for the class?
A. Position Statement
A Position Statement is a carefully prepared expression on crucial, broad
and recurrent issues relating to the work and mission of association
members, which represents the association’s view. It is the result of
thorough study of an issue, and advocates particular actions or expresses
a definite opinion. A Position Statement defines the association’s official
policy on a specific subject.
In addition to setting forth the association’s policy on a topic, a Position
Statement includes background information and discussion in order to
provide a more complete understanding of the issues involved and the
rationale behind the position(s) set forth. A Position Statement frequently
cites outside sources and may include a bibliography.
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A Position Statement reflects topics of shared concern and consensus
among the membership and provides guidance for the Chapters, staff, and
Board of Directors. Position Statement concepts or language are
incorporated into local policies and procedures.
Discussion Paper
A Discussion Paper is an authoritative report on a major issue, as by a team of
journalists, which has been prepared to attempt to more fully explain a specific
topic. It is distinguished from a Position Statement in that it does not express an
opinion€”it is an unbiased presentation of the facts that provides balanced
information. A Discussion Paper would typically present both the pros and cons
of a particular issue.
A Discussion Paper does not stand by itself as a statement of association policy
but may be used to formulate policy.
Desk Study
A desk study is the collation and review of information already available about a
topic. It is carried out during the early stages of policy formulation or analysis. A
desk study is aimed at informing and guiding a client or your employer. The desk
study is often described as Phase 1 the policy crafting process.
Components of Final Papers
1. Abstract €“ An abstract is a short summary of your completed research. If
done well, it makes the reader want to learn more about your research.
2. Executive summary
a. Background of the issue or problem
b. Outcomes of earlier efforts to address the dilemma
c. Summary of the main point of the paper or the key findings of the
3. Introduction
a. Importance of specific topic
b. Definition of key terms
c. Key stakeholders
d. Key policy areas needing analysis and resolution
e. Scope and severity of the problem
– Assessment of past policy efforts
– Significance of the conflict
– Need for analysis
4. Overview of current knowledge €“ Lit Review
a. Review of the literature about the topic. What are the main debates,
findings, key questions about the issue.
i. Previous attempts at reform €“ if applicable and what became
of these efforts or reforms
ii. Existing policy related to the topic
iii. The most important legislative, judicial, and regulatory policy
iv. Ambiguities, conflicts, problems, and contradictions related
to the instruments
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v. Effects on and roles of key stakeholders
vi. Conflicts among key values
vii. Implications of issues
5. Conclusions and recommendations
a. Recommendations
b. Rationale for recommendations
c. Implications and possible outcomes of specific courses of action
6. References
a. APSA style €“
b. All sources cited in the paper.
The above was culled from:



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