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What conditions did the stalemate between the two sides in World War I create?
August 4, 2017
Discuss how accounting, economic, and social costs can be used in transportation to mitigate risks associated with these costs.
August 4, 2017
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Android Studio apps IOS

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Android Boot Camp for Developers using Java™, Comprehensive: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Your First Android Apps, 3rd Edition


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  • AUTHORS: Hoisington, Corinne – ©2016
  • ISBN13: 978-1305857995

Assignments and Grading

This is a project based class and grades are given according to the projects/assignments completed. Projects and assignment are explained in class.

Each project or app completed is worth ten points.

Topics covered this semester:


Ch.1 Voila! Meeting the Android.

Ch.2 Simplify! The Android User Interface.

Ch.3 Engage! Android User Input, Variables, & Operations.

Ch.4 Explore! Icons & Decision Making Controls.

Ch.5 Investigate! Android Lists, Arrays, and Web Browsers.

Ch.6 Jam! Implementing Audio in Android Apps.

Ch.7 Reveal! Displaying pictures

Ch.8 Design! Using a DAtePicker on a tablet

Ch.9 Customoze! Navigating Tabs on a tablet app

Ch.10 Move! Creating Animation

Ch.11 Discover! Incorporating Google Maps

Ch.12 Finale! Publishing your android app

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