Explain why increasing globalization and diversity of the workforce will require different approaches to managing and leading employees.

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Explain why increasing globalization and diversity of the workforce will require different approaches to managing and leading employees.

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The mid-term exam will cover chapters 1-4, 8, 9, 15, 16 and all related course material.
Explain why increasing globalization and diversity of the workforce will require different approaches to managing and leading employees. (Ch 2, 4, 8)
Analyze techniques that can be used to manage intergroup and intra-group conflict in organizations. (Ch 9)
Illustrate the structure and dynamics of small group or team processes. (Ch 8)
Review different types of teams and team processes, groupthink, team development, social loafing
Describe the basic behavioral models of leadership and communication. (Ch 15)

In addition, be sure to review the following and be able to:
Understand the background of Organization Behavior, organizational effectiveness, the management process, organization culture, types of global

organizations, the decision-making process and types of decisions.
Describe Hofstede’s 5 dimensions, diversity, and globalization
Explain types of conflict, conflicting goals and functional and dysfunctional conflict, work interdependence and conflict, techniques for problem

resolution, and managing conflict
Be familiar with communication processes, the Johari Window, and media richness theory.

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