Evaluate the most significant security threat problems associated with the web. In responding to your peers’ posts, discuss any potential threats that were not identified as well as the potential harm these threats could cause. BELOW ARE FIVE PEER POST TO REPOND TO.
Can you share with us if you have ever attempted this mobile pay application or have heard of similar issues?
2.H)The World Wide Web is a great place to get information that you need as well as allow you to shop and pay bills without leaving your home. Unfortunately it is filled with people trying to steal your information through various tactics. A couple of security problems now a days are data breaches and ransomware.
Data breaches occur at retailers and hotels but since 2016 medical records are being hacked and sold on the black market (Komando, 2016). Hackers are going to focus on medical information because the black market is flooded with stolen financial and personal information. A hacker is not getting a lot of money for stolen credit cards anymore but medical information is in shorter supply, so hackers can sell it for more. There is no way a normal person can stop this from occurring. We just have to be mindful of where we shop and know that more and more industries are going to be breached. The toy industry was breached and more than 6 million children photos and personal information was stolen.
Ransomware encrypts your files so you can’t open them, and the only way to get them back is to pay a ransom. Even the FBI is advising victims to pay if they want their files back (Komando, 2016). It can lock up files on a network, which means one infection can bring down an entire company. You can avoind this security breach by following simple rules. Ransomware still needs your help to install it. If you avoid falling for phishing emails with malicious links or downloads, you can keep ransomware off your machine. You can also take the precaution of backing up your computer files regularly. That way, if your files do get locked, you can wipe your drive and restore your files.
Identifying this attack can help with understanding hackers and this type of threat. Education is the most important thing with trying to stay ahead of hackers and understand. Knowing this method or any threat can help the organization such as Google fight against these attacks. This information can prevent the attackers from gaining access to personal information or save consumers from having their data taken. With the creation of effective plans, knowing what the hackers will attack and how they’ll attack will be effective in stopping them.
Phishing- Once again technology has made it easier for websites to be created easily, we encounter a host of them when browsing the web. For this reason, Phishing has become one of the main ways for attackers to trap users. Phishing works by tricking a web user to believe that the user is transacting or receiving service with and from a legitimate website whiles actually it is not but rather a copy of the legitimate website. (GFI White Paper, n.d.)
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) – A DDoS is also one significant threat associated with the web. This threat whenever successful really cost companies and organizations a lot as it prevents genuine users from accessing a website. DDoS attacks the web by flooding or consuming resources of the particular website under attack, flooding and consuming here could be flooding the website with data packets, consuming bandwidth to cause jamming, consuming connection state tables and other resources within the website. (Arbor networks, n.d.)
Third party add-ons – A greater percentage of all websites deem the use of third party add-ons a necessity. Most notable ones used are Acrobat Reader and Adobe Flash player, these two add-ons really help a number of websites in displaying videos and pdf files. For this reason, attackers have made these two add-ons a target using them to divert users to a compromised website. (GFI White Paper, n.d.)
In identifying these treats, it is going to be possible to be able to know the likelihood of a threat occurring, also identification can put an organization in a position where it can know what was affected and the cost to fix it. Knowing all these will help in the mitigating of these threats.
Every user of the web can be affected by a web threat. Know solution can bring a total end to web threats, however, there are some process that can help fight web-based threats if followed. (GFI White Paper, n.d.)
A user lacking proper information or unware of the problem web sites may cause with a simple download. “The greatest threat to computer systems and their information comes from humans, through actions that are either malicious or ignorant” (Christopher. B, 2003). Web sites masquerading is where an entity pretends to be different entity” (Jacobs. S, 2011). A bank, commercial retailer, and a business will ask a user several personal questions and acquire their identity and use it or sell it. In addition, some web sites on just one visit may infiltrate your system with just one click with malware or a virus.
The process of identifying potentials threats will assist in the creations of developing policies and procedures to prevent security threats associated with the web. “It’s well known that poorly written software creates security issues. The number of bugs that could create web security issues is directly proportional to the size and complexity of your web applications and web server. Basically, all complex programs either have bugs or at the very, least weaknesses. On top of that, web servers are inherently complex programs. Web sites are themselves complex and intentionally invite ever greater interaction with the public. And so the opportunities for security holes are many and growing” (Beyond Security, 2017). If your organization is using web applications security for the servers and application is imperative to stop hackers and inside threats.
One last point about the security problem associated with web. During my research there is a Dark Net which receive very little attention. “The Darknet (sometimes called the Dark Web) works on the Tor browser, free software that masks your location and activity. Originally designed by the Naval Research Lab, Tor receives 60 percent of its backing from the State Department and the Department of Defense to act as a secure network for government agencies as well as dissidents fighting oppressive regimes. It is a privacy tool that has been used for both good and evil. Over the past decade, Tor has empowered activists to spread news during the Arab Spring; it has helped domestic-violence victims hide from online stalkers; and it has allowed ordinary citizens to surf without advertisers tracking them. As an instrument for both activists and criminals, Tor presents an increasingly difficult problem for law enforcement to solve — exacerbating the hapless game of whack-a-mole facing those who try to bring law to the most lawless part of the Net. And the battle over the Darknet’s future could decide the fate of online privacy in the U.S. and abroad” (Rolling. S, 2015).
Allow your discussion posts to be detailed and capable of sharing knowledge, ideas and points. You must discuss the topic using your own words first. Using your own words indicate you understand the topic of discussions. Secondly, you must cite your sources in-text. This is necessary to justify your points. Sources from several sources showed good research abilities. Lastly, you must provide references at the bottom of your post. A discussion post without justification with sources does not show proper research abilities. A terse and not detailed discussions represent post that would not provide enough sharing of knowledge or proper understanding of the topic. DO NOT just copy and paste a sentence from online with citation at the end as your own discussion. I have not asked for definitions, I asked for discussions and will not buy this. You must show understanding of the discussion topic by using your own words to describe the topic and then justify that with sources.
www.citationmachine.net to format references into the APA style if necessary. Extremely important. Intext citations is very essential and highly needed as well.