Ethics zero-tolerance harassment policy

Key Concept in Information Systems
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Ethics zero-tolerance harassment policy

Order Description

10 slides, including title and references slides
Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Review the following articles:
€¢Article 1
€¢Article 2
€¢Article 3

Based on the religious discrimination lawsuits outlined in the articles, imagine that you work for a retail store, and you were asked to develop training for employees and managers on reducing harassment and avoiding discrimination. In your presentation, address the following:
€¢Introduce the objective of the presentation.
€¢Introduce the company’s zero-tolerance harassment policy, and explain why it must be adhered to. ?Address the consequences of not adhering to this policy.

€¢Discuss how employees and the organization will be affected by not complying with the zero-tolerance harassment policy by referring to Kant’s categorical imperative and corporate social responsibility.

Be sure to apply the following in your presentation:
€¢A minimum of 2 references should be used to reinforce your thoughts.
€¢Be sure to include your references as in-text citations (on your slides) and on your reference slide.
€¢Expand your thoughts by including your presentation notes in the Notes field.

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