Module 4 case study-The required reading for this Case is: LESS THAN 7% TURNITIN SCORE
Nielsen, J. A., & Pedersen, K. (2014). IT portfolio decisionmaking
in local governments: Rationality, politics, intuition, and coincidences. Government
information quarterly, 31(3). 411420.
Lee Merkhofer Consulting. (2011). Best practice project portfolio management.
Priority Systems. Retrieved from
Ernst & Young (2014). Strong risk management practices and internal audit
capabilities as drivers as drivers for growth,
Pennypacker, J., & Retna, S. (2011). Project portfolio management: A view from the
management trenches. Garnert Group. Retrieved from
After reading Levin’s case study and other articles and related material, try to put
yourself in the position of a new IT manager. You have been called upon to manage
a suite of technology projects in order to look into the investment portfolio supporting company strategy. You should first look into the impact to operations, benefits, and
risk, and how strategic projects will bring competitive advantage to the company.
The above readings should help you establish your context.
Case Assignment
From this perspective, compose a critical analysis on the following topic:
Discuss the key issues in project portfolio management and how each of them
could present a challenge to the organization. Can organizations succeed
without project portfolio management? Close the paper with 3*5
recommendations to IT management in your organization regarding what they
need to know about project portfolio management.
Length: Minimum 4 pages excluding cover page and references (since a page is
about 300 words, this is approximately 1,200 or more words). APA FORMAT