Concepts, Theories and Frameworks
This assignment counts for 20% of your total grade (20 marks) . You are required to answer 8 Multiple choice questions (8%) and 3 short answer items (12%).
Please complete the form below, then add an Assignment cover sheet; plus your short answer responses (1500 words total). Please submit through SafeAssign.
Multiple choice questions: (8%)
Please select and circle from the statements below the number that you consider most closely reflects the correct response:
1) The WHO Constitution
1. Focusses on elimination and absence of disease
2. Is based on a bio-medical model of health
3. Is based on a holistic’ interpretation of health
4. Was created for Europeans alone
2) Mandala of Health
1. Relates to early miasmatic’ interpretations of health
2. Neglects the global ecological environment
3. Does not recognise the significance of the individual
4. Recognises that health is determined by interacting factors operating at all levels
3) John Snow
1. A great Australian cricketer who provides an example of clean living to young people
2. A 19th Century London doctor who played a major role identifying the relationship between water pollution and disease
3. A neuroscientist who identified the significance of brain size/structure and gender
4. The key author of the 1991 Sunsvall Health Promotion Conference on Supportive Environments for Health
4) Ottawa Charter
1. Acknowledged the social context of health
2. Provided the first free health services to the indigenous First Peoples in Canada
3. Failed to identify the significance of promoting healthy public policy
4. Identified banking philanthropy as a key driver of improved public health
5) Miasmatic causation of diseases
1. Is a core aspect of the socio-environmental approach to Public Health
2. Has been recognised as unlocking the association between health and lifestyle
3. Underlies issues linking mining and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
4. Is a discredited non-scientific theory of disease causation
6) Declaration of Alma Ata
1. Identified health as a fundamental human right of all peoples
2. Neglected to recognise inequality between developed and developing countries
3. Was only concerned with control of infectious diseases and epidemics
4. Identified and advocated for the role of the private sector in supporting health improvements
7) Health literacy
1. Refers to the reading age of school children
2. Requires a comprehensive understanding of the costs of health care
3. Refers to multilingual messages on medication to ensure safety
4. Involves access and use of information and the personal skills to ask the right questions and find appropriate answers
8) Proximal/Distal determinants
1. Biological determinants of health related to genetics
2. Help to identify determinants that must be controlled but have little to do with health status
3. Refer to determinants that are either closely or readily associated with a change in health status, or are distant in time or place.
4. Refer to the increasing prevalence of overweight/obesity as critical Public Health issues
Short answers (12%) Total = 1500 words
Please select 3 out of the 4 topics below and write a brief analysis and critical review of the key concepts underlying each term:
1. Old’ vs. New’ Public Health
2. Settings approach
3. Social distribution of illness
4. Biomedical perspective on health
Once you have completed:
¢ the Assignment Cover Sheet,
¢ the multiple choice questions (above) and
¢ the Short Answers (below),
please submit your assignment via SafeAssign.
marking criteria
Background research and grasp of literature
40% Very poor
No real understanding of relevant literature
(0-5) Poor
Some evidence of understanding difficult to follow and/or few points made
(6-15) Satisfactory
Evidence of understanding of relevant literature but lack of critical discussion
(16-26) Good
Good understanding of relevant literature some key themes explored and critically discussed.
(27-33) Excellent
Well developed understanding of the literature and critically discussed. Logical and interesting.
Relevance, logic, and clarity
40% No relevance, poor logic and little analysis or understanding indicated
(0-5) Some consideration of the relevance but the logical sequence is limited and few relevant/ interesting points and limited relevant analysis
(6-15) Points made are relevant and satisfactory but understanding of implications for population health is limited
(16-26) Relevant and logical discussion appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of the social model of health but lacking depth of analysis
(27-33) Well developed, relevant, and logical understanding plus consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of the social model of health.
Structure and organisation of material, attention to and consistent use of referencing conventions, clear communication
20% Poorly constructed. No literature cited. Poor grammar, spelling or presentation
(0-2) Material not clearly organised. Some literature cited, but not enough, not used effectively, lack of contemporary literature or not relevant. Some poor grammar or writing
(3-7) Structure and consistency apparent. Some appropriate literature cited, but some points not supported by citations. Generally readable
(8-12) Consistent and well structured. Good use literature, relevant literature cited Clear and generally well written
(13-16) Excellent presentation, consistent and well organised. Excellent use of wide range of literature, clearly and appropriately referenced