business communcation reveiw

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business communcation reveiw

business communcation reveiw

Project description
These assignments are taken from the end of module assignments for modules 6, 7, and 8. In some instances, I will not include all of the questions listed on each

exercise. You will only need to answer the ones which are specified on this document.
Each question is worth 5 points each, and each of the 5 writing exercises at the end of the assignment are also worth 5 points each. (Questions 1-15 are short answer

questions and then you have 5 short writing assignments).
1. I have negotiated an agreement that gives you a 10% discount on any flight ticket bought using our corporate credit card. Why does this sentence lack you-


2. Your order #1421453198 will be insured 100% against theft or damage for an additional amount of $10. Why does this sentence show you-attitude?

3. How do you create you-attitude in business messages?

4. Clara Anderson, the marketing manager at Kian Inc., is delivering a presentation to a prospective client this week. Clara created a part of her presentation in an

FAQ format considering the questions that the client was likely to ask. What is Clara trying to accomplish in this situation? Do you think she is trying to build

goodwill because she has anticipated the client’s questions and is prepared to answer them? or Do you think it most likely will make Clara appear presumptuous about

the client’s needs?

5. When a writer has to convey negatives in a message, which of the following is best to use? First- person, second-person, third-person or all? Why?

6. List the different steps that can be taken to create you-attitude.

7. Briefly explain the relevance of feelings in business communication.

8. Explain the different implications of using we and I in the context of creating you-attitude in business communication.

9. What are the ways in which negative information can be deemphasized?

10. What are hidden negatives? Explain with the help of examples.

11. When can negative information be entirely omitted?

12. What are the two problems that reader benefits help overcome?

13. Define psychological description. How does it help?

14. Why are intrinsic benefits better than extrinsic benefits?

15. How can a person identify reader benefits?

5. When a writer has to convey negatives in a message, which of the following is best to use? First- person, second-person, third-person or all? Why?

6. List the different steps that can be taken to create you-attitude.

7. Briefly explain the relevance of feelings in business communication.

8. Explain the different implications of using we and I in the context of creating you-attitude in business communication.

9. What are the ways in which negative information can be deemphasized?

10. What are hidden negatives? Explain with the help of examples.

11. When can negative information be entirely omitted?

12. What are the two problems that reader benefits help overcome?

13. Define psychological description. How does it help?

14. Why are intrinsic benefits better than extrinsic benefits?

15. How can a person identify reader benefits?

Writing Assignments:

Module 6- 6.10 Improving You-Attitude
Revise these sentences to improve you-attitude. Eliminate any awkward phrasing. In some cases, you may need to add information to revise the sentence effectively.
1. The management provides a generous package of benefits for all of its employees to enjoy.
2. You will no doubt be pleased to know that we have decided to give you a refund.
3. Though you seem less qualified than the other candidates, we’ve decided to offer you the job
4. This letter you wrote has so many typos I’m beginning to regret hiring you.
5. Expect our phone call on or about October 3 to schedule an appointment with our delivery

Module 7- 7.10 Identifying Hidden Negatives
Identify the hidden negatives in the following sentences and revise to eliminate them. In some cases, you may need to add information to revise the sentence

1. We hope you will enjoy working with us.
2. I expect you will be pleased with the enclosed refund.
3. I’m guessing you would like to know if you will receive a bonus this year

7.11 Revising Sentences to Improve Positive Emphasis
Revise the following sentences to improve positive emphasis. In some cases, you may need to add or omit information to revise effectively.
1. Relax! You don’t have to worry about getting your money.

2. Since Amanda can’t make the meeting on Tuesday, we won’t be able to meet as a group until next

3. I just can’t believe how much your work has improved in the past few months.

4. Emily, Paula, and Nell€”she’s the really short one€”aren’t going to be able to make it to the reception
until 7:45.

5. It isn’t that we don’t appreciate the work you’re doing here. It’s just that you don’t seem to like it
when people compliment you.

Module 8- 8.8 Identifying and Developing Reader Benefits
Listed here are several things an organization might like its employees to do. I have completed the first one for you.
Identify the motives or needs that might be met by each of the activities. answer these in reference to the organizational motivations for Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

(Physical, security, belonging, recognition, self-actualization).
Remember some of these may not have all of these needs, some may fulfill two or three or more.
1. Go green.
Security: saving money; conserving environmental resources.
Belonging: promoting welfare of organization.
Recognition: having a good personal and corporate reputation.

2. Give up smoking.
3. Conserve using office supplies.
4. Car pool with other employees.
5. Participate in a cancer charity walk.

Module 8 Polishing Your Prose Page 111
Plurals and Possessives
Singular possessives and plurals sound the same but are spelled differently. A possessive noun will always have an apostrophe. Most possessives of singular nouns are

formed by adding ‘s to the word.
Singular Possessive Plural
company’s companies
computer’s computers
family’s families
job’s jobs
manager’s managers
team’s teams
Because singular possessive nouns and plurals sound the same, you will have to look at the logic of your sentence to choose the right word.
Prior to completing this assignment for a grade you can practice with the odd numbered ones in this section and check your answers in the back of the book.

2. [Stakeholders/Stakeholder’s] believe in a company for many reasons, but generally a solid
business plan helps to build their confidence.

4. Since we have a [weeks/week’s] worth of work left to do, we should get started as soon as

6. We learned from Jack that [supervisors/supervisor’s] will be expected to complete daily progress
reports now in addition to their weekly ones.

8. The Public Relations Department noted that public [opinions/opinion’s] can change according to
how effective a [companies/company’s] media strategy is.
10. Because a [memos/memo’s] purpose should be clear, the subject [lines/line’s] content is very

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