– From what age or ages does his autobiography take place?
– In what historical context is his autobiography set?
– What is the overall summary or plot of the book?
What are 2 major issues, themes, or conflicts that the author describes or discusses in the book? Cite specific
examples) (pick 2 of 5 issues)
a. Generational father and son, mother and child, grandmother and grandson
b. Gender Female slaves (grandmother, aunt, mother, Mrs. Sophia Auld)
c. Racial Thomas says about slaves, how are slaves treated, how is he treated by white workers
d. Cultural difference country and the city, 4th of July means to slaves and what to masters, slave song meanings
e. Socioeconomic poor whites, plantation owners, Mr. Cover (non-slavowner), how the slaves fight over if master is rich or poor¦
a. What specific events or circumstances are typical of the lives of slaves in Douglass’ narrative? why?
b. What specific events or circumstances are not typical of the lives of slaves in Douglass’ narrative? why not?
a. What are the most significant issues or points is the author trying to convey to the audience in writing this
Hypocrisy of religious people who own slaves, slavery tears apart families
b. Which issues or points does the author not convey a point of view about or does not explain very well?
c. What group of people is this book written for abolitionists, slave masters, and/or slaves? Slavery is cruel –
a. What are your thoughts about the book? Do you like it? Yes/No? Why/why not?
b. Would you recommend this book to a friend? Yes/No? Why/Why not?
c. If you had to five this book anything from 1 to 5 stars, what would it be?