Appropriate vesicles and their target membranes

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Appropriate vesicles and their target membranes

SNAREs exist as complementary partners that carry out membrane fusions between appropriate vesicles and their target membranes. In this way, a vesicle with a particular variety of v-SNARE will fuse only with a membrane that carries the complementary t-SNARE. In some instances, however, fusions of identical membranes (homotypic fusions) are known to occur. For example, when a yeast cell forms a bud, vesicles derived from the mother cell’s vacuole move into the bud where they fuse with one another to form a new vacuole. These vesicles carry both v-SNAREs and t-SNAREs. Are both types of SNARE essential for this homotypic fusion event?

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The same phenotype as the a/a;b/b progeny
August 4, 2017
What is possible nutritional explanation for this finding
August 4, 2017